SAINT_plus-Knowledge-Tracing- copied to clipboard
change the mask to negative infinite according to paper, and shift th…
…e response when training model to avoid label leakage
Hi, Shivanandmn! Thank you for your kind sharing.
I trained a model on riiid dataset using your raw code, but it seems happened label leakage, for that accuracy in traing set and validation set are all close to 100%.
After checking your code, I made some changes myself. I shifted the input response matrix and add a start token "2" in the first column, so that the model can only access the former response record rather than current response. After this change, I retrained the model, and it turned out worked. It achieved 92.9% accuracy in training and 72.2% accuracy in validation set, which is corresponding to the SAINT+ paper.
I'm not sure if i make myself clear, because my English is poor. If you have any question, please let me know.
Hi @Blockhead-yj Thanks for this fix I had that issue also
btw do you know if I would like to use the model to predict in case I have a new user that had N interaction and I would like to predict the user results on question N+1 and category N+1 should I feed those N+1 (and N answers) to the model and just look at the last value of the output?
something like this?
# x and y are already process
def predict(x, y):
out = torch.sigmoid(model(x, y))
return out[-1][-1]
Thanks again
My answer is yes according to my understanding of this model. @mbenami
@Blockhead-yj i got the same problem,respect!
My answer is yes according to my understanding of this model. @mbenami
My answer is yes according to my understanding of this model. @mbenami