lane_segmentation copied to clipboard
Pre-trained model weights : 2022
Hello, I was trying to implement the script 02-LaneNet-detection on the bdd100k dataset. However, when I try to restore the weights, specifically in the LaneNet class - ` # restore
saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess=self.sess, save_path=weights_path)`
It throws me the following error -
NotFoundError: 2 root error(s) found. (0) NOT_FOUND: Key lanenet_model/inference/decode/deconv_1/deconv_1/kernel not found in checkpoint [[{{node save/RestoreV2}}]] [[save/RestoreV2/_79]] (1) NOT_FOUND: Key lanenet_model/inference/decode/deconv_1/deconv_1/kernel not found in checkpoint [[{{node save/RestoreV2}}]] 0 successful operations. 0 derived errors ignored.
These were some of the other messages that were raised in the same error-
RuntimeError: Key _CHECKPOINTABLE_OBJECT_GRAPH not found in checkpoint
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
I downloaded the weights from the LaneNet github repo - This is the direct link -
I think this might be because the weights uploaded on the LaneNet github are updated wrt this implementation.
Could anyone please share the weights file used in this implementation? Specifically the one mentioned in this line -
weights_path = 'model/tusimple_lanenet/tusimple_lanenet_vgg_2018-10-19-13-33-56.ckpt-200000'
Thank you