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A simple multithreaded http server

About Gauche-makiki

Table of contents

  • Overview
  • Getting started
  • Handling requests
    • Registering handlers
    • Routing
    • Request record
    • Accessing parameters passed by client
    • Handling POST/PUT request body
      • Form encoded data
      • Json
      • Retrieving raw body
      • Roll your own reader
    • Response
    • Errors and response
  • Built-in handlers
    • Serving files
    • Calling CGI scripts
    • Modifying headers
  • Logging and tuning
    • Logging
    • Profiling
  • Starting and terminating the server
  • Add-ons
  • Examples


Gauche-makiki is a simple multi-threaded http server intended for applications that want to provide http server capability easily. The main functionalities are available by just one file, makiki.scm, so you can either install it as an ordinary Gauche extension library, or you can just copy the file into your application.

You need Gauche 0.9.7 or later to use Gauche-makiki. To serve over secure connection (https), you need Gauche 0.9.14 or later with TLS support.

Getting started

You'll get the idea by looking at the minimal server:

(use makiki)
(define (main args) (start-http-server :port 6789))
(define-http-handler "/"
  (^[req app] (respond/ok req "<h1>It worked!</h1>")))

Basically, you register a handler for a path (or a pattern for a path), and the server dispatches matching request to the handler, which is expected to return the content.

The req argument holds the information of the request, and the app argument holds the application state you pass to start-http-server. (The above example isn't using application state. See this BBS example for simple usage of application state.)

See also to develop server script interactively with REPL.

Gauche-makiki isn't an all-in-one framework; rather, we provide simple and orthogonal parts that can be combined together as needed.

Handling requests

Registering handlers

To use the server, you should define http-handler using define-http-handler macro:


Or, handlers can be added procedurally using add-http-handler!:

(add-http-handler! PATTERN HANDLER-PROC :optional GUARD-PROC METHODS)

METHODS is a list of symbols (GET, POST, etc.) that this handler accepts. You can define different handler with the same PATTERN as far as METHODS don't overlap. When omitted, (GET HEAD POST) is assumed.

PATTERN is to specify routing from the request path to the handler. It is explained in the Routing section below.

REQUEST is a request record, explained below. APP-DATA is an application-specific data given at the time the server is started. Gauche-makiki treats APP-DATA as opaque data; it's solely up to the application how to use it.

The optional GUARD-PROC is a procedure called right after the server finds the request path matches PATTERN. It is called with two arguments, REQUEST and APP-DATA. If the guard proc returns false, the server won't call the corresponding handler and look for another match instead. It is useful to refine the condition the handler is called.

If the guard procedure returns a non-false value, it is stored in the guard-value slot of the request record, and available to the handler procedure. See examples/session.scm for an example of using a guard procedure and the request's guard-value slot.


PATTERN argument of define-http-handler can be a string, a list, or a regexp,

  • If it is a string, it matches with the exactly same request path. It is suitable for resources with a fixed path.
  • If it is a list, each element must be either a string or a symbol. The request path is split with / into a list of path components, and each component is compared to the corresponding element of PATTERN. If the pattern's element is a string, it must exactly match the path component. If the element is a symbol, it matches unconditionally to the corresponding component, and the match is saved to request-path-match. If the list is a dotted list, the last cdr must be a symbol, and it matches any remaining components.
  • If it is a regexp, it is matched against the entire request path. If matched, the match object is saved to request-path-match so that submatches can be retrieved later.

For each incoming request, the server matches its path of the request uri against PATTERN. Note: For component-wise match with a list pattern, trailing slashes of request path is ignored; that is, ("foo" x) matches "/foo/bar" and "/foo/bar/".

When the request path matches, the server calls HANDLER-PROC with two arguments:

(handler-proc REQUEST APP-DATA)

Some routing examples:

;; Fixed path.  The handler is called when the client requests
;; /favicon.ico.
(define-http-handler "/favicon.ico" handler)

;; Path with parameter.  Paths such as "/usr/bob" or "/usr/alice"
;; match, and the variable part can be retrieved with
;; ((request-path-match req) 'user-id).
(define-http-handler ("user" user-id) handler)

;; Path with parameter and conversion.  Obj-id part only matches
;; a string valid as an integer, e.g. "/obj/233515".  The matched
;; part is converted to an integer with the procedure path:int.
(define-http-handler ("obj" (path:int obj-id)) handler)

;; If the pattern is a dotted-list, all the rest path components
;; are saved with the name of the last cdr.  The following route
;; matches "/src/a/b/c.txt", for example, and
;; ((request-path-match req) 'path) gives "a/b/c.txt".
(define-http-handler ("src" . path) handler)

There are a few utility procedures to help parsing a path component. They take a path component as a string, and returns #f if it is not accepted, or an object if accepted.

(path:int COMPONENT)

If the path component string COMPONENT is a valid exact decimal integer representation, returns that exact integer; otherwise returns #f.

(path:hex COMPONENT)

If the path component string COMPONENT is a valid exact hexadecimal integer representation, returns that exact integer; otherwise returns #f.

(path:uuid COMPONENT)

If the path component string COMPONENT is a valid representation of UUOD, returns an UUID object; otherwise returns #f. See the document of rfc.uuid module for the details of UUID representation.

The value of the matched component can be retrieved with passing the key value to (request-path-match req), or, more conveniently, using request-path-ref. See below.

Request record

A request record passed to the handlers and guard procedures has the following slots (only public slots are shown):

  line                ; request line
  socket              ; client socket  (#<socket>)
  remote-addr         ; remote address (sockaddr)
  method              ; request method (symbol in upper cases, e.g. GET)
  uri                 ; request uri
  http-version        ; requested version (e.g. "1.1")
  server-host         ; request host (string)
  server-port         ; request port (integer)
  secure              ; whether the communication is secure
                      ;  This can be
                      ;    - #t (we have direct TLS connection),
                      ;    - 'forwarded (we have reverse proxy that has
                      ;       secure connection to the client),
                      ;    - #f (otherwise)
  path                ; request path (string, url decoded)
  path-match          ; proc to extract matched path component
  guard-value         ; the result of guard procedure
  query               ; unparsed query string
  params              ; query parameters (result of cgi-parse-parameters)
  headers             ; request headers (result of rfc822-read-headers)
  (response-error)    ; #f if response successfully sent, #<error> otherwise.
                      ;  set by respond/* procedures.  The handler can check
                      ;  this slot and take actions in case of an error.

The following convenience procedures are available on the request record.

(request-iport REQ)     ; input port to read from the client
(request-oport REQ)     ; output port to write to the client.
                        ;  NB: the handler proc shouldn't write
                        ;  to this port normally---one of the
                        ;  'respond' procedures below takes care of
                        ;  writing response line and headers.

(request-params REQ)    ; List of query-string parameters, in the form
                        ; of ((NAME VALUE ...) ...) where NAMEs and VALUEs
                        ; are all strings.  It is compatible to the
                        ; reutrn value of cgi-parse-parameters.
(request-param-ref REQ PARAM-NAME . keys)
                        ; Retrieve request query-string parameter with
                        ; PARAM-NAME.  KEYS are a keyword-value list
                        ; passed to cgi-get-parameter in www.cgi.
                        ; See also `let-params` below for easier access.
(request-headers REQ)   ; List of request headers, in the form of
                        ; ((NAME VALUE) ...).  It is compatible to the
                        ; header list used in rfc.822 module.
(request-header-ref REQ HEADER-NAME :optional (DEFAULT #f))
                        ; retrieve the value from the request headers.
                        ; See also `let-params` below for easier access.
(request-cookies REQ)   ; returns parsed cookie list (see rfc.cookie)
                        ; in the request.
(request-cookie-ref REQ COOKIE-NAME :optional (DEFAULT #f))
                        ; returns one entry of the parsed cookie with
                        ; the given COOKIE-NAME.  The returned value
                        ; is the result of `parse-cookie-string` of
                        ; `rfc.cookie`, i.e.
                        ; `(<name> <value> <cookie-parameters> ...)`
                        ; See also `let-params` below for easier access.
(request-path-ref REQ KEY :optional (DEFAULT #f))
                        ; returns the value matched to the path component
                        ; designated with KEY.  If the input path did not
                        ; match they component with KEY, DEFAULT is
                        ; returned instead.

The handler procedure can set/modify response headers using the following procedures.

(response-header-push! REQ HEADER-NAME VALUE)
(response-header-delete! REQ HEADER-NAME)
(response-header-replace! REQ HEADER-NAME VALUE)
(response-cookie-add! REQ NAME VALUE . COOKIE-OPTIONS)
(response-cookie-delete! REQ NAME)

If a header with the same name is pushed more than once, they all appear in the response. If you want to override the previously pushed header, use response-header-replace!.

If a cookie with the same name is added, it replaces the previous one if any. Note that response-cookie-delete! does send back a cookie to the client, but with the past expiration time so that the client will delete it on its end.

By default, secure attribute of the cookie is automatically added if request-secure has a true value. You can turn off this behavior by setting the parameter add-secure-cookie to false.

Accessing parameters passed by client

After a handler is selected according to the request url and method, query parameters in the url is parsed and saved in request-params. (Note: Parameters passed via POST request body are not parsed automatically; see Handling POST request body below.)

It is often the case that the server needs to look at several different places to see what parameters the client provides; most commonly they are passed via query parameters in url or form-encoded in POST body, but can also be via request path component (often the case in REST API) or sometimes via cookies or even via request headers. The let-params macro provides an easy and convenient way to access those parameters.

(let-params REQ (VAR-SPEC ...) BODY ...)

REQ should be the request record. Each VAR-SPEC specify a variable and its source, in one of the following forms:

(var source kv-args ...)

Where var is a symbol (variable name), source is a string, and kv-args is keyword-value list. This form extracts parameters according to source and binds its value to var, then executes body .... The latter two forms are a shorthand for (var "q").

The source string can have either <kind>:<name> or just <kind>, where <kind> is a single character specifying where the value should be taken.

q  - Query parameters
p  - Path regexp matches
c  - Cookies
h  - Request headers

The optional <name> part specifies the parameter's name as sent from the client, e.g. query name, cookie name or header name. For path regexp match, <name> can be a word for named subgroup, or an integer for unnamed subgroups. If <name> is omitted, the name of var is assumed.

The following keyword arguments are accepted in kv-args.

:default <value>    Specifies the default value when the
                    parameter isn't provided from the client.
                    The default default value is `#f`, except
                    for the list query parameters, in which case
                    the default default value is `()`.

:convert <proc>     Specifies the converter procedure `<proc>`,
                    which should take a string and convert
                    it to suitable type of object.  Note:
                    if the value isn't provided, `<proc>`
                    is never called and the default value is
                    directly used.

:list <flag>        This is only effective for query parameters.
                    If `<flag>` is a true value, the client
                    can specify multiple instances of the same
                    name of query parameters, and all the values
                    are gathered to a list.  If `:convert` is
                    also given, the convert procedure is applied
                    to each value.  If `:default` is also given,
                    its value is only used when there's no
                    parameter for this name is provided.

Suppose you have in the following code:

(define-http-handler #/^\/resource\/(\d+)\/edit$/
  (^[req app]
    (let-params req ([name        "q"]
                     [comment     "q:c"]
                     [resource-id "p:1" :convert x->integer]
                     [sess        "c:sessionid"])

And if the client sends this request:


Then the code gets name to be bound to "foo", comment to be bound to "bar", resource-id to be bound to 33525. (Sess would depend on whether the client send a cookie for "sessionid".)

Handling POST/PUT request body

A query string in a request url is automatically parsed and accessible via request-query, request-params and request-param-ref, but the parameters passed via POST/PUT body aren't processed by default.

Form encoded data

The following procedure returns a handler that parses POST request body and put the parsed result to request-params:

(with-post-parameters INNER-HANDLER :key PART-HANDLERS)

It can handle the body with both multipart/form-data and application/x-www-form-urlencoded content types.

The REQUEST structure the INNER-HANDLER receives got parsed parameters (If the original request also has a query string in url, that will be overwritten.)

PART-HANDLERS specifies how to handle each parameter is handled according to its name. By default, all parameter values are read into strings. However, you might not want that behavior if you're accepting large file updates. See the documentation of www.cgi module for the meaning of PART-HANDLERS.


For Web APIs, it is convenient to receive request in json. Here's a convenience wrapper:

(with-post-json INNER-HANDLER :key ON-ERROR)

It parses the request body as json, and set the parsed value in request-params with the key "json-body". That is, INNER-HANDLER can access the parsed json by (request-param-ref req "json-body"). If the client didn't pass the body, the "json-body" parameter is #f.

Json dictionary becomes an alist, and json array becomes a vector. See the documentation of rfc.json, for the details.

ON-ERROR is a procedure that takes three argument, as (on-error req app condition), and called when a <json-parse-error> is raised during parsing. It must either return an alternative value to be used as the value of "json-body", or call request-error to notify the client the error. If omitted or #f, the procedure returns 400 error to the client.

Retrieving raw body

If you don't use one of the POST handlers above, the request body hasn't been read when the handler is called. The easiest way to retrieve the request body at once is using read-request-body:

(read-request-body req)

This reads the request body into a fresh u8vector and returns it. It can return #f if the request has no body.

If the body has already read (even partially), or ended prematurely (i.e. the data is smaller than the size stated by content-length), this procedure returns #<eof>.

Roll your own reader

If you need to handle request body specially (for example, if the client sends huge binary data, you don't want to read everything into memory), you can handle it by yourself. When the handler is called, the request body is available to be read from (request-iport req). Check the content-type header first, for it must specify the size of the request body in octets.


HANDER-PROC should call one of the following respond procedure at the tail position. NB: These must be extended greatly to support various types of replies.

(respond/ok REQ BODY :key CONTENT-TYPE)
                        ; This returns 200 response to the client,
                        ; with BODY as the response body.  See below
                        ; for allowed values in BODY.
                        ; CONTENT-TYPE argument can override the default
                        ; content-type inferred from BODY.

(respond/ng REQ CODE :key BODY CONTENT-TYPE)
                        ; This returns CODE response to the client.
                        ; If BODY keyword arg is omitted, the body
                        ; consists of the description of the HTTP code.
                        ; See below for allowed values in BODY.

(respond/redirect REQ URI :optional (CODE 302))
                        ; Send back a redirection message using Location
                        ; header.  URI can be an absolute uri or
                        ; just a path component; in the latter case,
                        ; protocol, host and port components are
                        ; automatically added.

These procedures return after the entire message is sent. If an error occurs during sending the message (most likely because the client has disconnected prematurely), an error condition is stored in (request-response-error REQ).

The response body for respond/ok and respond/ng can be one of the following forms. The content type can be overridden by CONTENT-TYPE keyword argument.

  • string : A string is sent back as text/plain; charset=utf-8.

  • text-tree : A tree of strings; see text.tree. Concatenated string is sent back as text/plain; charset=utf-8.

  • u8vector : The content of the vector is sent back as application/binary.

  • (file filename) : The content of the named file is sent back. Content-type is determined by the file's extension by default. See the description of file-handler below for the details of content-type handling.

  • (plain lisp-object) : The lisp object is converted to a string by write-to-string, then sent back as text/plain; charset=utf-8.

  • (json alist-or-vector) : The argument is converted to a JSON by construct-json-string (see rfc.json), then sent back as application/json; charset=utf-8.

  • (sxml sxml) : The SXML tree is rendered by to XML or HTML. (If the root node of sxml is html, then sxml:sxml->html is used to render to HTML with content type text/html; charset=utf-8. Otherwise sxml:sxml->xml is used to render to XML, with content type application/xml.

  • (chunks string-or-u8vector ...) : Chunks are concatenated and sent back as application/octet-stream. This form allows you to pass a lazy list, so that you can avoid creating entire content in memory.

Check out scripts in examples directory for some concrete examples.

Errors and response

You can raise a condition <request-error> to notify the client that you encounter an error during processing the request. Use the request-error procedure to raise the condition:

(request-error :key status body content-type)

The status keyword argument is used as the http response status, defaulted by 400. The body and content-type arguments are the same as in respond/ok and respond/ng. This is useful to abort the processing of a request deep in the stack.

For example, you can return an error message in JSON form to the client as follows:

(unless (parameter-is-valid?)
  (request-error :body `(json (("message" . "Invalid parameter")))))

If you raise an unhandled condition other than <request-error> from the handler, it is captured by makiki and the client receives 500 Internal Server Error response, and the error itself is logged to the error log.

The content-type and the body of such 500 response is determined by the "Accept" request header; if the request has "Accept: application/json", the error response is in JSON. For the time being, we recognize application/json and text/html, and for all other content-type we return a plain text (text/plain).

By default, we only return "Internal Server Error" to the client, which is a bit inconvenient during development. If the environment variable MAKIKI_DEBUGGING is set when the server is run, we add the error message in the error response as well. You can also turn on the debugging feature by setting the parameter debugging to a true value. Make sure you don't set the environment variable in the production environment, so that you wouldn't reveal any internal information accidentally.

Tweaking response headers and cookies

Response headers and cookies are sent back to a client inside one of response procedures such as respond/ok. When you're writing a wrapper handler, there can be a case that you want to add response headers or cookies after the internal handler generates content, but before it is sent back to the client. For example, you might send a cookie depending on the parameter value which may be modified by the internal handler.

You can register callbacks for that purpose.

(respond-callback-add! (^[req code content-type] ...))

The callback list is empty when the handler is called. If callbacks are added during handling, they are called in the order of addition, with three arguments: The request record, integer response code, and string content-type. At the time the callback is called, the content of the response is already generated, but no information is sent back to the client yet. You can modify response headers and cookies there. You can't change the response content, though.

The callback must return #f. We may allow other return values in future.

Built-in handlers

For typical tasks, we provide convenience procedures to build a suitable handler. The following procedures return a procedure that can be directly passed to define-http-handler; for example, the following handler definition serves files under document-root:

(define-http-handler "/"  (file-handler))

Some handler-builders takes another handler procedure and returns a new handler that augments the original handler.

See examples for more usages.

Serving files

For the convenience, file-handler can be used to create a handler procedure suitable for define-http-handler to return a file on the server.

(file-handler :key (directory-index '("index.html" #t))
                   (path-trans request-path)
                   (root #f))

PATH-TRANS should be a procedure that takes REQUEST and returns the server-side file path. The returned path should start from slash, and the document-root directory passed to the start-http-server is prepended to it. It is not allowed to go above the document root directory by "/../../.." etc---403 error message would results.

The file to be served is determined as this: First, the path part is extracted from the request with PATH-TRANS, then the directory name given to ROOT argument is appended. If ROOT is #f, the value of the parameter document-root is used.

The DIRECTORY-INDEX keyword argument specifies the behavior when given path is a directory. It must be a list of either filename or #t. The list is examined from left to right; if it is a filename, and the named file exists in the directory, the content of the file is returned. If it is a filename but does not exist, next element is examined. If it is #t, the list of the entries in the directory is returned.

Makiki uses some heuristics to determine content-type of the file, but that's far from complete. You can use a parameter file-mime-type to customize the association of content-type and files; it must be a procedure that takes one argument, the pathname of the file, and it must return a mime-type in string, or #f to delegate the association to the makiki's default handler.


A parameter that holds the current path of the document root (the one given to start-http-server; "." by default.)

The Last-modified response header is generated by this handler automatically, based on the the timestamp of the file.

Calling CGI scripts

There's an experimental support to call a CGI script written in Gauche. Instead of spawning a child process, we load Gauche program and call its main routine "in process". You have to (use makiki.cgi) to use this feature.


Loads the cgi script in FILE, and creates and returns an http handler that calls a procedure named by ENTRY-POINT inside the script (main by default).

The return value can be used as the handler argument for define-http-handler, as follows:

(define-http-handler #/\/foo.cgi(\/.*)?/
  (cgi-script (build-path (sys-dirname (current-load-path))
              :script-name "/foo.cgi" :forwarded #t))

To avoid interference with makiki itself, the script is loaded into an independent, anonymous module.

Loading is done only once unless LOAD-EVERY-TIME is true. Usually, loading only once cuts the overhead of script loading for repeating requests. However, if the cgi script sets some global state, it should be loaded for every request---a script can be executed concurrently by multiple threads, so any code relying on a shared mutable global state will fail. Note also that we assume the script itself isn't written inside a specific module; if it has it's own define-module and select-module, the module will be shared for every load, and we won't have enough isolation.

The cgi script should access to cgi metavariables through cgi-get-metavariable (in www.cgi module), not directly from the environment variables.

SCRIPT-NAME is the path to the script in the URL. That is, if the script is accessible via, then it should be "/foo/bar/baz.cgi". It doesn't need to be related to the actual pathname of the cgi script file. The value becomes the value of SCRIPT_NAME CGI metavariable, and also used to calculate PATH_INFO CGI metavariable.

If you're running Makiki server behind a reverse proxy, give a true value to FORWARDED. Then Makiki adjust SERVER_NAME, SERVER_PORT, and HTTPS cgi metavariables according to the external connection (between the client and the proxy server), instead of the internal connection (between the proxy and Makiki). It is important to produce output using what the client directly sees; e.g. a link to the same site must use the external hostname and port, otherwise the client can't follow the link.


This is the low-level procedure that creates an http handler that sets up the cgi metavariables and calls PROC, that takes one argument (as in main procedure of the usual script; though most cgi scripts won't use the argument).

PROC would write out the response to its stdout; which will be captured by the created handler and returned to the client.

Modifying headers

(with-header-handler inner-handler header value ...)

This returns a handler that first adds extra response headers then calls INNER-HANDLER.

Header is a keyword representing the header name; value can be a string for header value, a procedure to take request and app-data and to return a string header value, or #f to omit the header. For example, the following call returns a handler that adds "Cache-control: public" header to the file response.

(with-header-handler (file-handler) :cache-control "public")

Since that the headers are added before the inner handler is called, they may be overwritten by inner-handler.

Logging and tuning


If you write out logs inside an http handler, you can use those macros:

(access-log FMT ARGS ...)
(error-log FMT ARGS ...)

FMT and ARGS are the same as log-format in gauche.logger. The destination of logs are set by the keyword arguments of start-http-server described below.


You can run Gauche's built-in sampling profiler during handling a request. There are two ways to do it.

If the environment variable MAKIKI_PROFILER_OUTPUT is set when makiki.scm is loaded, Makiki automatically profiles all handlers. The value of MAKIKI_PROFILER_OUTPUT is used as a filename to which the profiling result is written out. If the file already exists, the result is appended to it. Each result is preceded by the request path.

Alternatively, you can selectively profile specific handlers by wrapping the handler with with-profiling-handler:

(with-profiling-handler OUTPUT-FILE INNER-HANDLER)

This returns a procedure suitable to be a handler. When called, it runs INNER-HANDLER with profiler running, and then write out the result to OUTPUT-FILE. When OUTPUT-FILE already exists, the result is appended to it.

You should use either one of the above method, but not both; MAKIKI_PROFILER_OUTPUT tries to profile every handler, even it is already wrapped by with-post-parameters.

Note: If multiple handlers run simultaneously in multiple threads, the profiling result becomes less reliable, for you don't know which thread the sampling picks---the profiling is recorded per thread, but the sampling timer is shared. Make sure to issue one request at a time during profiling.

See the Using profiler section of the Gauche reference manual for the details of Gauche's built-in profiler.

Starting and terminating the server

Finally, to start the server, call start-http-server.

(start-http-server :key app-data host port tls-port path
                        document-root num-threads max-backlog
                        access-log error-log
                        forwarded? auto-secure-cookie
                        startup-callback shutdown-callback

It takes the following keyword arguments:

  • app-data - an opaque data passed to the request handler as is.
  • host (#f or string), port (#f or integer) - Passed to make-server-sockets of to open the server socket. If none of port, tls-port and path arguments are given, port 8080 is used for the convenience.
  • tls-port (#f or integer) - Opens and listens TLS connection on this port. See Running https server for how to run https server.
  • path (#f or string) - If a string is given, it specifies the path to a Unix-domain socket on which the server listens.
  • document-root - used to specify the root of the document served by file-handler. The default is the process's working directory.
  • num-threads - number of threads to serve the request. Currently threads are created when the server is started. The default is 5.
  • max-backlog - max number of request queued when all threads are busy. When a request comes while the queue is full, 503 (server busy) response is returned to the client. The default is 10.
  • access-log, error-log - specify the destination of logs. #f (no log), #t (stdout), string (filename) or <log-drain> object. For access log, <log-drain> is better not to have prefix, for timestamp is included in the message. The default is #f.
  • tls-settings (keyword-value list): Pathnames for certificates and private keys. See Running https server for details.
  • forwarded? - specify true if you use makiki behind a reverse-proxy httpd, and access-log uses the value of x-forwarded-for header if exists, instead of the client's address.
  • auto-secure-cookie - if this is true, 'secure' attribute of cookies are automatically turned on when the request is over a secure channel. The default is #t.
  • startup-callback - a procedure to be called after the server opened sockets, but before start processing any requests. A list of server sockets are passed as the only argument. Logging procedures are already active.
  • shutdown-callback - a thunk to be called after all the server operations are shut down. If given, this is the last thing start-http-server does before returning.
  • control-channel - an opaque object, through which you can request the server loop to shutdown. See make-server-control-channel and terminate-server-loop below.

Note that start-http-server enters the server loop and won't return by default. There are two ways to shut down the server loop.

  • Send SIGINT or SIGTERM. By default, signals sent to a Gauche process is handled by the main thread. So if you called start-http-server in the main thread, this is the easiest way.
  • If you run start-http-server outside of the main thread, or don't want to rely on signals, you need a bit of setup. (1) Create a server control channel by make-server-control-channel and pass it to :control-channel argument of the start-http-server. (2) When you want to request the server loop to shutdown, call terminate-server-loop with the control channel. See below for further description. See this test code as an example.

Here's the API for controlling the server loop.


Returns an opaque object through which you can request the server loop to shut down. You need one channel for each server loop, if you have more than one loop.

(terminate-server-loop CHANNEL EXIT-CODE)

Calling this function causes start-http-server that has CHANNEL to break the loop, does cleaning up (including finishing request that are already being processed), and returns EXIT-CODE.

You can pass any object to EXIT-CODE, but the supposed way to call start-http-server is the tail position of the main function; in that case, EXIT-CODE becomes the exit code of the server.

(define (main args)
   (start-http-server ...))


Some less frequently used features are provided in separate modules.

  • makiki.connect: Handling CONNECT http request. See simple proxy example.

  • makiki.cgi : Handling CGI scripts. See the section Calling CGI scripts above.

  • : Interactive REPL development while running a server. See for the details.


The examples directory contains some simple server scripts, each one shows how to implement a specific functionality.