text_to_table icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
text_to_table copied to clipboard

Update 01/12/2023: for BERTScore evaluation, using transformers>4.17.0 will lead to different results as in the paper. If you have difficulty replicating the BERTScore results, please try downgrading to transformers<4.17.0. In my experiments I used transformers==3.1.0. For details please refer to https://github.com/shirley-wu/text_to_table/issues/7


This repository is for our ACL2022 paper: Text-to-Table: A New Way of Information Extraction.


Training requires fairseq==v0.10.2, and evaluation requires sacrebleu==v2.0.0 bert_score==v0.3.11

Or you can directly install by pip install -r requirements.txt.

Note: to avoid potential incompatibility, your fairseq version should be exactly v0.10.2, and your python version should be <3.9


You can download the four datasets from Google Drive. If you are interested in preprocessing original table-to-text datasets into our text-to-table datasets, please check data_preprocessing.

For preprocessing, we use fairseq for BPE and binarization. You need to first download a BART model here, and then use scripts/preprocess.sh to preprocess the data. The script has two arguments: the first is the data path and the second is the bart model path, e.g.,

bash scripts/preprocess.sh data/rotowire/ bart.base/

then you'll have BPE-ed files under data/rotowire and binary files under data/rotowire/bins.


For each dataset, use scripts/dataset-name/train_vanilla.sh to train a vanilla seq2seq model, and use scripts/dataset-name/train_tre.sh to train a model with table relation embeddings. The training scripts have three arguments: the first is the data path (NOTE: it's not the path to the binary files), the second is the bart model path, and the third is the saving directory (optional argument, default is checkpoints/). Example use:

bash scripts/rotowire/train_tre.sh data/rotowire/ bart.base/


bash scripts/rotowire/train_tre.sh data/rotowire/ bart.base/ checkpoints/rotowire/

Note: for simplicity, the saving directory for all scripts are set to checkpoints/ by default. However, if you want to run multiple training experiments, remember to change the saving directory argument. Otherwise the experiments may override the saved checkpoints and lead to unexpected behavior.

Additionally, for Rotowire and WikiTableText, the datasets are very small, so we run experiments with 5 seeds (1, 10, 20, 30, 40) and report the average numbers. Scripts under scripts/rotowire and scripts/wikitabletext have the seed as the fourth argument.

Rotowire and WikiBio experiments are run on 8 GPUs. E2E and WikiTableText experiments are run on 1 GPU.

You'll need GPUs that supports --fp16 (such as V100). If not, please remove the --fp16 option in the scripts.

Inference and Evaluation

For each dataset, use scripts/dataset-name/test_vanilla.sh to test with vanilla decoding, and use scripts/dataset-name/test_constraint.sh to test with table constraint. The test scripts have two arguments: the first is the data path and the second is the checkpoint path (by default it is where your saved checkpoint goes to), e.g.,

bash scripts/rotowire/test_constraint.sh data/rotowire/ 

Similar to training, you'll need GPUs that supports --fp16. If not, please remove --fp16 in the script.