hexo-theme-adoubi icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hexo-theme-adoubi copied to clipboard

yet another hexo theme


another simple hexo theme. online demo



hexo-theme-adoubi developed with hexo 3.2

plugin dependencies:

  • hexo-renderer-pug
  • hexo-generator-feed
  • hexo-toc

clone theme

git clone https://github.com/shinux/hexo-theme-adoubi.git themes/adoubi

modify site config

theme: adoubi

replace themes/adoubi/sources/images/favicon.ico with your own preference


cd themes/adoubi
git pull origin master

Display images in article:

if image located at site's source/images :

<img src="/images/your-image.png">

images will be limited to max-width: 100% compared to parent class post-content.

NOTICE: hexo will use site's source preferentially

Display toc in article:

simply use <!-- toc --> on top of article. for more options see hexo-toc


resources usage:

  • SF Pro Text font
  • normalize.css
  • heti.css

Keep Theme By Adoubi , Powered By Hexo. in footer and do whatever you want.