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ðŸ“Ķ Simplified PHP Docker images for effortless customization and extension setup.

PHP Docker Images

ðŸ“Ķ Simplified PHP Docker images for effortless customization and extension setup.

Docker Hub:



Our PHP Docker images are built on top of the official PHP Docker images. These images allow easy tweaking of PHP and PHP-FPM settings through environment variables, eliminating the need to rebuild images when changing settings.

These images also include the latest version of Composer, along with well-known web servers like Apache2, Nginx, Nginx Unit, or FrankenPHP, enabling projects to get started faster without additional installation.

ðŸŠķ Note: Although built on top of the official PHP images and including more useful extensions, we have drastically reduced the image sizes compared to the base images while maintaining compatibility. This optimization improves download times and resource usage without sacrificing functionality, thanks to the docker-squash project.

Image Variants

The image tags cover PHP versions from 7.1 to 8.3, available in cli, fpm, fpm-nginx, fpm-apache, frankenphp(1), and unit-php(2) variants.

For example:

  • shinsenter/php:7.3-cli
  • shinsenter/php:7.4-fpm
  • shinsenter/php:8.0-fpm-apache
  • shinsenter/php:8.1-fpm-nginx
  • shinsenter/php:8.2-frankenphp (1)
  • shinsenter/php:8.3-unit-php (2)

Check our Docker Hub for all available tags.

For stable versions you can depend on in production, we also apply version tags on another repository.

ðŸ’Ą Hint: Docker image tags ending in -alpine or -tidy indicate Docker images built on the Alpine Linux base operating system. These Docker images are lightweight, helping to speed up builds and save bandwidth for your CI/CD pipelines.

(1): FrankenPHP is still in BETA. The frankenphp variant supports PHP >= 8.2.
(2): PHP with Nginx Unit. The unit-php variant supports PHP >= 7.4.


You can simply copy and paste one of these docker run commands to run a container:


# non-interactive
docker run --rm shinsenter/php:8.3-cli php -m

# interactive
docker run -it --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html shinsenter/php:8.3-cli


docker run --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html -p 9000:9000 shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm

PHP-FPM + Nginx (or Apache, FrankenPHP, Nginx Unit)

# with Nginx
docker run --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -p 443:443 shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx

# with Apache
docker run --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -p 443:443 shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-apache

# with FrankenPHP
docker run --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -p 443:443 shinsenter/php:8.3-frankenphp

# with Nginx Unit
docker run --rm -v ./myproject:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -p 443:443 shinsenter/php:8.3-unit-php

Customizing Settings via Environment Variables

These images allow customizing PHP and PHP-FPM settings through environment variables instead of rebuilding images.

The environment variable names follow these conventions:

  • Variables are prefixed with PHP_ to avoid conflicts with other application variables.
  • The rest of the variable name matches the configuration directive name from php.ini or php-fpm.conf:
    • PHP ini directives:
    • PHP-FPM directives:
  • Directive names are converted to CONSTANT_CASE - uppercase with underscores instead of dots or dashes.

This naming convention helps you easily identify which environment variable applies to which PHP/PHP-FPM configuration directive.

ðŸ’Ą Hint: Run env-default or env | sort | grep PHP_ in the container to get a full list of default environment values.


Command Line

docker run --rm \
    -v ./myproject:/var/www/html \
    -e PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE='100M' \
    shinsenter/php:8.3 php -i


    image: shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx
      PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE: "100M"


Environment Variable Explanation Equivalent Configuration
PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS=1 Enables displaying errors during development. display_errors 1
PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE=100M Increases the maximum post size from the default 8MB. post_max_size 100M
PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE=100M Increases the maximum upload file size from the default 2MB. upload_max_filesize 100M
PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY=1 Enables the HttpOnly flag for session cookie security. session.cookie_httponly 1

ðŸ’Ą Hint: Run env-default or env | sort | grep PHP_ in the container to get a full list of default environment values.

Pre-installed PHP Extensions

Popular PHP extensions are pre-installed by default, allowing projects to get started faster without additional installation.


👉ðŸŧ Info: The pre-installed PHP extensions from the official Docker images are excluded from this list.

ðŸ’Ą Hint: Run docker run --rm shinsenter/php:8.3-cli php -m in the container to get a list of extensions (you can replace 8.3 with a specific PHP version).

Adding PHP Extensions

These images use a simple command called phpaddmod to install PHP extensions.

You don't need to run the more complex docker-php-ext-install command or manually edit the php.ini file; phpaddmod handles the installation and configuration for you.

For example, in your Dockerfile:

FROM shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx

# Install imagick, swoole and xdebug
RUN phpaddmod imagick swoole xdebug

👉ðŸŧ Info: The phpaddmod command is a wrapper around the install-php-extensions utility, which takes care of all required steps to compile and activate the extensions.

ðŸ’Ą Hint: If you're having trouble figuring out which extensions can be installed, have a look at the install-php-extensions project.

Application Directory

The default application directory is /var/www/html and can be customized via the $APP_PATH environment variable:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 443:443/udp \
    -v "$PWD":/app \
    -e APP_PATH=/app \

This would change the web application directory to /app.

Moreover, the default document root (a relative path inside the application directory that contains your index.php file) can be customized by setting the $DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 443:443/udp \
    -v "$PWD":/app \
    -e APP_PATH=/app \
    -e DOCUMENT_ROOT=/public \

This would change the document root path to /app/public.

Customize Container User and Group in Docker

The Docker image likely has a default user and group set, such as www-data for a web server image. However, you can override these defaults by setting environment variables when running the container.

The available variables are:

Environment Variable Description Default
APP_USER Sets the username inside the container www-data
APP_GROUP Sets the groupname inside the container www-data
APP_UID Sets the numeric uid of the user uid in base image
APP_GID Sets the numeric gid of the group gid in base image

For example, to run a container as the user myapp with uid 5000, you could do:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 443:443/udp \
    -e APP_USER=myapp \
    -e APP_UID=5000 \

Or in a docker-compose.yml:

    image: shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx
      - APP_USER=myapp
      - APP_UID=5000

Autorun Scripts

Shell scripts copied into the /startup/ directory of the container will automatically run when the container starts, in alphabetical order by filename.

This mechanism can be used to initialize projects before the main program on the container runs. The autorun feature saves time by executing initialization scripts without manual intervention.


For example, a script called 00-copy-config could be copied into /startup/ via a Dockerfile.

Note: The script file must have executable permissions to run.

FROM shinsenter/php:8.3-cli

ADD ./application /var/www/html
ADD ./autorun/00-copy-config /startup/00-copy-config
RUN chmod +x /startup/00-copy-config

👉ðŸŧ Info: The startup directory already includes a script called 99-greeting that prints a welcome message when the container starts:

     _     _                      _              __    _
    | |   (_)                    | |            / /   | |
 ___| |__  _ _ __  ___  ___ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ / / __ | |__  _ __
/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __|/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \ '__/ / '_ \| '_ \| '_ \
\__ \ | | | | | | \__ \  __/ | | | ||  __/ | / /| |_) | | | | |_) |
|___/_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\___|_| |_|\__\___|_|/_/ | .__/|_| |_| .__/
                                                | |         | |
                                                |_|         |_|

(To edit this welcome message, add your text to /etc/welcome.txt)

Container      : shinsenter/php
Distro         : Alpine Linux v3.19
Timezone       : UTC (GMT+0000)
UID / GID      : www-data:www-data (82:82)
App Root       : /var/www/html
Document Root  : /var/www/html/public

PHP Docker Images (
Copyright (C) 2024  SHIN (@shinsenter)

This is free software under the GNU GPL.
You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL.
This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the GNU GPL for more details.

To get support, please contact: SHIN (@shinsenter)

PHP 8.3.3 (fpm-fcgi) (built: Feb 16 2024 23:20:45)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.3, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.3.3, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
Composer version 2.7.1 2024-02-09 15:26:28

Disable autorun scripts

To disable autorunning scripts, set the DISABLE_AUTORUN_SCRIPTS environment variable to 1.

For example, you can do this with docker run:

docker run --rm -e DISABLE_AUTORUN_SCRIPTS=1 shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx

Or in a docker-compose.yml:

    image: shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx

Debug mode

Sometimes you may need a "debug mode" for more verbose logging.

You can pass DEBUG=1 as an environment variable to the container for more verbose logging. The application can check for this and enable debug mode, outputting more logs.

This works both with docker run and in docker-compose.yml.

Command Line

docker run --rm -e DEBUG=1 shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx


    image: shinsenter/php:8.3-fpm-nginx
      - DEBUG=1

Other System Settings

These Docker images also include other environment variables for fine-tuning the behavior of the container.

Setting Name Default Value Description Example
DEBUG or DEBUG_MODE Not set When set to "1", this enables debug mode with more verbose logs. 1
TZ UTC Sets the default timezone to be used for the container. View the full list here. Asia/Tokyo
DISABLE_AUTORUN_SCRIPTS Not set When set to "1", this disables all autorun scripts. 0
DISABLE_AUTORUN_CREATING_PROJECT Not set When set to "1", this disables creating a new project. By default, Composer will create a project when the INITIAL_PROJECT environment variable is set and if the app directory is empty. 0
INITIAL_PROJECT Not set When set and the app directory is empty, Composer will create a project in the app directory. laravel/laravel
DISABLE_AUTORUN_COMPOSER_INSTALL Not set When set to "1", this disables running composer install at startup. By default, composer install will run at container startup (only when composer.json is present but packages are missing). 0
DISABLE_AUTORUN_GENERATING_INDEX Not set When set to "1", this disables creating index.php. By default, an index.php will be created in the DOCUMENT_ROOT directory if it doesn't exist. 0
ENABLE_CRONTAB Not enabled When set to "1", this enables the Crontab service. When Crontab is enabled, it also loads settings from the directory defined by the CRONTAB_DIR environment variable (default is /etc/crontab.d). 1
CRONTAB_DIR /etc/crontab.d Specifies the directory that contains settings for cron jobs. Cron jobs defined in this directory will be run as the user defined by $APP_USER. /path/to/myapp/schedules
CRONTAB_HOME $APP_PATH Specifies the $HOME directory to be used for cron jobs. /path/to/myapp
CRONTAB_MAILTO Not set Specifies the email address to which logs from cron jobs will be sent. [email protected]
CRONTAB_PATH $PATH Sets the directory paths that programs are looked in when executing cron jobs. /path/to/myapp/bin
CRONTAB_SHELL /bin/sh Sets the default shell to be used for the cron tabs. /bin/bash
CRONTAB_TZ $TZ Sets the default timezone to be used for the cron tabs. View the full list here. Asia/Tokyo
ENABLE_TUNING_FPM Not enabled When set to "1", this enables auto-tuning of PM control settings. 0
ENABLE_TUNING_MPM Not enabled When set to "1", this enables auto-tuning of Apache MPM settings. 0
FIX_APP_PATH_PERMISSION Not set When set to "1", this corrects the ownership of the app directory. 1
DISABLE_GREETING Not set When set to "1", this disables showing the welcome message when the container starts. 0

Supported Platforms

Check our Docker Hub for all available platforms.

ðŸ’Ą Hint: Docker image tags ending in -alpine or -tidy indicate Docker images built on the Alpine Linux base operating system. These Docker images are lightweight, helping to speed up builds and save bandwidth for your CI/CD pipelines.

Stable Image Tags

We build new Docker images daily to ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest upstream updates for PHP, base OS, Composer, etc. The images in this repo are regularly updated under the same tag names.

For stable versions you can depend on in production, we also apply version tags on another repository.

👉ðŸŧ View Stable Tags:

This way, you get frequently updated images under static tags, providing both the latest code and production stability.


If you find these images useful, consider donating via PayPal or opening an issue on Github.

Your support helps keep these images maintained and improved for the community.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.

I appreciate you respecting my intellectual efforts in creating them. If you intend to copy or use ideas from this project, please credit properly.

From Vietnam ðŸ‡ŧðŸ‡ģ with love.