astra_body_tracker copied to clipboard
ros publisher for body tracking using orbbec astra sdk
astra_body_tracker for Orbbec Astra camera, using the Astra SDK
- Publishes ROS topic for body tracking information from the Astra SDK.
- Tested on Orbbec Pro, but not Mini yet.
- Publishes BodyInfo.msg tracking info on "astra_body_tracker/data"
Installation Instructions / Prerequisites
Clone body_tracker_msgs into your Catkin workspace and catkin_make to confirm complies OK
Clone this project into your Catkin workspace
Install Orbbec Astra SDK from
Add the following to your .bashrc (or the code won't compile!) (this might not all be required, but works)
Orbbec Camera:
export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=/home/system/OpenNI-Linux-x64-2.3/Include export OPENNI2_REDIST=/home/system/OpenNI-Linux-x64-2.3/Redist
export ASTRA_SDK=/home/system/AstraSDK export ASTRA_ROOT=/home/system/AstraSDK
export ASTRA_SDK_INCLUDE=/home/system/AstraSDK/install/include export ASTRA_SDK_LIB=/home/system/AstraSDK/install/lib
- First, make sure the Astra SDK is working correctly:
- cd <your directory>/AstraSDK/bin
- ./SimpleBodyViewer-SFML
You should see body tracking with Skeleton displayed. If not, see Astra website.
- When the tracker is running, you should see something like this logged:
"Floor mask: width: 640 height: 480 bottom center value:"
- When tracking a person, you should see something like this logged:
Body Id: 41 Status: Tracking
Body 41 CenterOfMass (-143.216354, 15.024889, 827.818970)
Joint Tracking Enabled: True Hand Pose Recognition Enabled: True
Astra: 2D Tracking for ID 41 : px: 0.2441 py: 0.1192
x: -0.07321 y: 0.1683 z: 0
Head:Body 41 Joint 0 status 2 @ world (-27.8, 315.9, 974.3) depth (303.7, 55.1)
- When tracking, the following are published:
- rostopic list
- Confirm each with rostopic echo
- If the camera is mounted on a robot, and included in the URDF, the /body_tracker/marker
topic will show the position of the user (spine joints) as balls in RVIZ.
- make sure to add the topic /body_tracker/marker to see the tracking balls.
Known Issues
- You can safely ignore this warning:
"Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data..."
- When robot is moving (or if Astra camera is mounted on a Pan/Tilt that is tracking a target)
the Astra SDK will often think some object is a person. So, it is important in your code to track
individuals by ID, and ignore other ID's that are picked up (they may be bogus).
I find it useful to use the Gesture to indicate which person in a scene is the correct person to track.
- Code written by me is provided under BSD license
- This package uses sample code from the Astra SDK, provided by Orbbec. See Orbbec Astra SDK for licensing.