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API Server

Simple Rest API using gin(framework) & gorm(orm)

Used in wantedly-house event.

How to make

this was automatically generated by apig.

$ apig new go-api-sokushukai -u shimastripe
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/shimastripe/go-api-sokushukai
Add models/XX.go
$ apig gen

Endpoint list

Emails Resource

GET    /api/emails
GET    /api/emails/:id
POST   /api/emails
PUT    /api/emails/:id
DELETE /api/emails/:id

AccountNames Resource

GET    /api/accountnames
GET    /api/accountnames/:id
POST   /api/accountnames
PUT    /api/accountnames/:id
DELETE /api/accountnames/:id

Users Resource

GET    /api/users
GET    /api/users/:id
POST   /api/users
PUT    /api/users/:id
DELETE /api/users/:id

server runs at http://localhost:8080