react-native-sk-countdown copied to clipboard
不兼容 React Native 0.30.0
暂时先 hack 了一些代码:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
var ReactNative = require('react-native');
var {
} = ReactNative;
如果同时兼容 RN 0.22 又要兼容 0.30 的话,是不是可以通过
if (!React.createClass) React = require('react').react
npm i react-addons-update --save
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import update from 'react-addons-update';
// var update = React.addons.update,
var countDown = require('./countDown');
@Infiee I try to install react-addons-update and my react-native version is 0.39.2,react version is 15.4.1,react-addons-update version is 15.4.2.But no use, the error tip is Seems you're trying to access 'ReactNative.createClass' from the 'react-native'package.Perhaps you meant to access 'React.creactClass' from the 'react' package instead?
@GeorgeCodesigner show you code
Through the story of my experiments, I don't recommend you to use 3.9/3.8 version, you can try to use the 3.7 is a relatively good version, version 3.9 of the grammar closer to 4.0 forced the es6 standard grammar, suggest wait a few months to try more version 3.9 +, many current didn't keep up with the plugin updates
@Woodswu My codes follow this: var ReactNative=require('react-native'); var React=require('react'); var Text=ReactNative.Text; and so on; var {CountDownText} = require('react-native-sk-countdown'); var Login=React.createClass({ <CountDownText style={styles.countBtn} countType='seconds' // 计时类型:seconds / date auto={true} // 自动开始 afterEnd={this._countingDone} // 结束回调 timeLeft={60} // 正向计时 时间起点为0秒 step={-1} // 计时步长,以秒为单位,正数则为正计时,负数为倒计时 startText='获取验证码' // 开始的文本 endText='获取验证码' // 结束的文本 intervalText={(sec) => '剩余秒数:'+sec} // 定时的文本回调 /> })
@GeorgeCodesigner you need change node_module/react-native-sk-countdown/CountDownText.js, code example:
// old code.............................
// var React = require('react-native');
// var {
// StyleSheet,
// Text,
// } = React;
// var React = require('react');
// var {
// StyleSheet,
// Text,
// } = require('react-native');
// var update = React.addons.update,
// new code.............................
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import update from 'react-addons-update';
var countDown = require('./countDown');
@Infiee Thanks a lot! I have solve the problem.