@dafcoe , i created a pull request that exposes the z-index as a parameter
```One main thing to keep in mind is that hasura-auth does not support cookies, so the cookie will be shared with Nuxt client and server, but not hasura-auth. In the...
ANy update on this ? I am also facing this issue
I am experiencing thesame issue as above . thing is i can not even tell what is causing the error. the package referred to does not exist in my project
@mortegro how did you even get it working in Dev mode. It doesn't seem to work. Css does not get applied . i have tried with nuxt 3.0.0-rc3 and nuxt...
@nolimits4web can you please create a Nuxt3 starter of this library, on stackblitz for e.g as part of the documentation. It doesn't seem to work with nuxt3. I do not...
Plain .vue files will be very helpful . I will look at the starter. Thanks so much @nolimits4web
@plmercereau please open. I think the first part of applyMigrations method call in hasura-auth should be ``` create schema is not exists auth ``` before trying to apply migrations. not...
> JSONata's official documentation @plmercereau nhost cloud permission variables does not allow the capture of square brackets []. how does one handle this ?
> @gregoryforel We have included a proper example for using Nhost with SvelteKit. Let us know if you have feedback/suggestions! > > This example confirms there is no way...