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Not getting frameEvents in Asynchronous mode
On Processing 2.0.3:
- Used the mpeTest sketch
- Moved dataEvents to its own method
- Added
to mpe.xml - Started sketch and server and Processing reports:
Client: Starting!
Client: Connected to server!
Client: Sending: A|0|true
- Server reports:
$ java -jar mpeServer-2.0.2.jar
MPEServer: framerate = 30, screens = 1, waitForAll = false, verbose = false
Starting server: Andres-rMacBook-Pro.local/ 9002
/ connected.
Connecting asynch client 0 receiver: false
The sketch frame stays blank, and nothing in frameEvent is being called. Works fine in synchronous mode.
I have most than probably the same issue with processing 3.3.6 implementing a async communication between a client (command center) and a server (rendering) application
server is started :
MPE server started MPE SERVER VERSION: 2.0.3 MPEServer: framerate = 30, screens = 2, waitForAll = true, verbose = true Starting server: sbxjld10/ 9002
The first application connects to the server :
/ connected. Raw receive: A|999|true Connecting asynch client 999 receiver: false
Note that, while the raw message says client 999 has ASYNC set to true, the server says in the message that async is false. the same happens to the other application that is connecting
/ connected. Raw receive: A|1555|true Connecting asynch client 1555 receiver: false Adding message to next frameEvent: 1555,R=73
BTW, the two XML files have both two async flags set to true
the problem is possibly due to coding at line 76 in :
While there are 3 tokens in this message (see raw data: A|1555|true), the code examines the boolean value found in message only if there are more than 3 element (tokens.length > 3) In the code below, it examines tokens[3], while it should, IMO, be (tokens.length > 2) and array ref should be tokens[2] instead.
String[] tokens = msg.split("\\|");
if (tokens.length > 3) {
try {
asynchReceive = Boolean.parseBoolean(tokens[3]);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Malformed boolean for synch receive");
System.out.println("Connecting asynch client " + clientID + " receiver: " + asynchReceive);
Do you think this is something you could correct ? Thank you for helping.