Ansicolor library provides color console in Windows as ANSICON for Golang.
Escape sequence |
Text attributes |
\x1b[0m |
All attributes off(color at startup) |
\x1b[1m |
Bold on(enable foreground intensity) |
\x1b[4m |
Underline on |
\x1b[5m |
Blink on(enable background intensity) |
\x1b[21m |
Bold off(disable foreground intensity) |
\x1b[24m |
Underline off |
\x1b[25m |
Blink off(disable background intensity) |
Escape sequence |
Foreground colors |
\x1b[30m |
Black |
\x1b[31m |
Red |
\x1b[32m |
Green |
\x1b[33m |
Yellow |
\x1b[34m |
Blue |
\x1b[35m |
Magenta |
\x1b[36m |
Cyan |
\x1b[37m |
White |
\x1b[39m |
Default(foreground color at startup) |
\x1b[90m |
Light Gray |
\x1b[91m |
Light Red |
\x1b[92m |
Light Green |
\x1b[93m |
Light Yellow |
\x1b[94m |
Light Blue |
\x1b[95m |
Light Magenta |
\x1b[96m |
Light Cyan |
\x1b[97m |
Light White |
Escape sequence |
Background colors |
\x1b[40m |
Black |
\x1b[41m |
Red |
\x1b[42m |
Green |
\x1b[43m |
Yellow |
\x1b[44m |
Blue |
\x1b[45m |
Magenta |
\x1b[46m |
Cyan |
\x1b[47m |
White |
\x1b[49m |
Default(background color at startup) |
\x1b[100m |
Light Gray |
\x1b[101m |
Light Red |
\x1b[102m |
Light Green |
\x1b[103m |
Light Yellow |
\x1b[104m |
Light Blue |
\x1b[105m |
Light Magenta |
\x1b[106m |
Light Cyan |
\x1b[107m |
Light White |
package main
import (
func main() {
w := ansicolor.NewAnsiColorWriter(os.Stdout)
text := "%sforeground %sbold%s %sbackground%s\n"
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[31m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[41;32m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[32m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[42;31m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[33m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[43;34m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[34m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[44;33m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[35m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[45;36m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[36m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[46;35m", "\x1b[0m")
fmt.Fprintf(w, text, "\x1b[37m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[21m", "\x1b[47;30m", "\x1b[0m")

See also:
- https://github.com/daviddengcn/go-colortext
- https://github.com/adoxa/ansicon
- https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/wac
- https://github.com/wsxiaoys/terminal
- https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable
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