Tatsuro Shibamura

Results 68 comments of Tatsuro Shibamura

`ExpandoObject` locks every time during an add operation. As a result, dynamic reading seems to be very slow. To solve this problem will need an implementation that does not use...

@superrnovae An auxiliary library has been created for fast handling. I believe it will help. https://github.com/shibayan/CsvHelper.FastDynamic

@JoshClose No, it will not be faster than accessing with types because of the overhead present. However, performance should be significantly improved compared to `dynamic` using `ExpandoObject`.

Delete the applicationHost.xdt existing in "D:\home\site" using Kudu or FTP.

Umm. Were you restarting Web App and did not recover?

I think it's a good idea. I'd like to consider a pop-up that can display the metadata that the file has

I'm starting to implement asynchronous reading.

It is not intended to be a management dashboard for Key Vault itself. It is intended to be a dashboard as a certificate issuing tool using ACME.

There are of course plans to update to .NET 8. However, we are still waiting as Microsoft has not yet released the necessary updates to support it. - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/net-on-azure-functions-march-2024-roadmap-update/ba-p/4097744

@marthijn Starting with .NET 10, only Isolated will be supported, so we are considering migrating at that time. We would like to remain In-Process during .NET 8.