Gurucharan Shetty
Gurucharan Shetty
Thanks much for the pointer. Looks like I just need to get the following change to 1.2? ``` diff --git a/pkg/agent/route/route_windows.go b/pkg/agent/route/route_windows.go index a889bd79..4734306b 100644 --- a/pkg/agent/route/route_windows.go +++ b/pkg/agent/route/route_windows.go @@...
CC: @jianjuns @tnqn @hongliangl This is the next step after service health implementation. There is still a TODO item in the code, but I wanted early comments whether you are...
>When I type docker network create -d openvswitch --subnet= ovs-br1 It shows Error response from daemon: legacy plugin: plugin not found I have tested till Docker 1.13. Based on the...
>I've rolled back my docker to v1.12.1 and the bug is still there, so it has nothing to do with Docker version. When you run ovn-docker-overlay-driver (without --detach), does it...
FYI, I ran the vagrant that comes with this repo. And I did not see any problems. It used docker 17.03.1-ce. You can quickly look at the scripts the vagrant...
>Does it mean that if a container wish to communication with the outside ( e.g other servers in a LAN ), docker_gwbridge is the only gateway? Since we've created a...
Are you using OVS master? If so, can you please use OVS 2.5?
I see that you are using OVS 2.5.90. That is the master. Please use branch 2.5
Couple of concerns. 1. Since 'lsmod | grep openvswitch' does not show "geneve" or "stt", I wonder whether you are using the kernel module from the upstream linux kernel instead...
The OVS master should work now too. The documentation has been updated here: The vagrant should also work now with just a "vagrant up" from vagrant_overlay directory.