
Results 53 issues of shersoni610

Hello, I changed "cuda" to "cpu" in all the gradio files. Although nothing crashed, the code runs forever without producing results. Is is impractical to use MAC M1 cpu? Somehow,...

Hello, I am trying to run inference with openset. I get the following error: checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([768, 512]). size mismatch for tagging_head.encoder.layer.1.crossattention.self.value.weight: copying a param...

Hello, in the "" looks like the default mode is tag2text. Should it be ram model? Thanks

Hello, what image sizes are supported by ram and tag2text models?

Hello, I am confused. It seems ithe example is using default='pretrained/tag2text_swin_14m.pth' which is the same as the model used in the Can someone clarify if this was not...

Hello, How do I get results of auto mode using points or boxes? Assigning points on grids as displayed on SAM website gives only one mask for the entire image....

Hello, I have an image containing many fruits. When I use Auto mode then I get pretty good results and I get different mask for different a fruit. However, when...

Hello, On Mac m1/m2 there are issues with tkagg backend, so I was wondering if there is a code which uses only opencv for plotting and avoids matplotlib lib. Thanks

Hello, I see that viewing annotation has been defined in both the and utils directory. Which one should we use? On MAC M1, I do get segmentation results with...

Hello, Does anyone knows how to use apple "MPS" instead of cpu/cuda device?