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Sherpa Dashboard Links Invalid
When I run my code, the links provided to access the dashboard are invalid. I tried using the key disable_dashboard = True in sherpa.Study and then after running all my code, sherpa.Study.load_dashboard(".") to load the dashboard, but those links do not work either.
Here is the code:
parameters = [sherpa.Continuous(name='lr', range=[0.005, 0.1], scale='log'),
sherpa.Continuous(name='dropout', range=[0., 0.4]),
sherpa.Ordinal(name='batch_size', range=[16, 32, 64, 256, 512, 1024]),
sherpa.Discrete(name='num_hidden_units', range=[1, 300]),
sherpa.Choice(name='activation', range=['sigmoid', 'relu'])]
algorithm = sherpa.algorithms.RandomSearch(max_num_trials=10)
study = sherpa.Study(parameters=parameters,
algorithm=algorithm, disable_dashboard=False,
for trial in study:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units=trial.parameters['num_hidden_units'], activation=trial.parameters['activation'], input_dim=np.shape(Xin)[1]))
model.add(Dense(np.shape(Yout)[1], activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizers.Adam(trial.parameters['lr']), metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, epochs=5, batch_size=trial.parameters['batch_size'])
loss,acc = model.evaluate(x_test,y_test)
study.add_observation(trial=trial, objective=acc, context={'loss':loss})
if study.should_trial_stop(trial):
Hi @kjmayer ,
Mind if I ask what operating system you run on? If you're running this on your laptop/desktop (that is, you're not ssh'ed into a machine to run this), can you try to take one of the addresses Sherpa is giving you and then just type into your browser localhost:<port>
where <port>
is the port (the number after the colon) in the address that sherpa is giving you.
Let me know whether this helps at all.
Best, Lars