GDPL still could not train, the loss is so big!
Hey, guys, I am using vanilla PPO with original reward to train. However, the evluation (success rate) is not good at all. It could not go higher when it meets...
Y > > Hey, guys, I am using vanilla PPO with original reward to train. However, the evluation (success rate) is not good at all. It could not go higher...
作者在文章也说过,还有self attention 以及 可控制的推荐,在第三章部分。
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/84526966 人家没抄,在知乎上改进了。
Could you share your code of training the refined embeddings? The one you shared is pretty old.
想问一下,一般embedding模型和普通的文本类输出模型是什么关系?是训练一个好的embedding基座,之后的chat 模型可以基于这个embedding模型进行微调吗?