sherlock copied to clipboard
Seems to wait and block
when I run the python script, it starts off quickly but then seems to wait busily on some site then moves on. it didn't use to do that earlier. I suspect some bug got introduced in the latest PR
I have seen things like this. There are some sites that run slow at random times. And, there are some sites that "catch on" if you run Sherlock too often from a given IP address: I can never test AngelList as they refuse to respond to Sherlock from my computer.
The process of doing the requests is continuing in the background, but the front end always prints the site support out in order. If we printed it in order of response, the report would have inconsistent order, but it would not appear to hang.
Can you tell which site it is delaying on? If you note which ever site reported previously, then you can look in the data.json to see which one is delaying in the response.
why not async those requests to avoid any kind of network blocks? I could give a hand on that
Having similar issue. Searching for my username took over 5-10 minutes to run, seemingly getting stuck in places. python3 -m unittest tests.all --verbose
is still running as I type, stuck on Test Username Does Not Exist Site Coverage (Via Error Message). ...
Didn't know if that would expose the reason for the hang-ups.
It seems to only show me what sites my username is on, not which sites it is querying, so I can't say which sites are the problem (not that I've figured out how to exclude them yet). When this issue is solved, I recommend a command that could be run that automatically tests websites for hang-ups and then adds them to a blacklist that future searches reference until the test is run again (or a clear command/some txt editing is done)
Is this up for consideration about running requests in parallel? I can contribute if it is open to contribution