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char-rnn-tensorflow copied to clipboard

Results quite unsatisfactory

Open STNBRT opened this issue 7 years ago • 10 comments

First and foremost thanks to everybody involved in this. I really appreciate the work you are putting into this.

Previously I was using Karpathy's char-rnn but I couldn't get torch running with my gpu after updating my hardware so I was looking for a different solution and that has brought me here. Using Karpathy's rnn I was getting beautiful results with even very small datasets (around 1MB). With your tensorflow implementation the results are not so good and I wonder why. I tried fiddle around with the parameters (rnn_size, num_layers, etc) but the improvements were little or nonexistent.

It would be really cool if you could add some explanatory comments to the different parameters aka how they will affect the result. For me being relatively new to NNs, this would help a lot in getting better results.

Thanks again for your efforts!

STNBRT avatar Mar 10 '17 18:03 STNBRT

@virxxiii thanks for your feedback. I too am interested in getting good results out of this project and comparing it to other solutions.

Just merged PR #73 which gives you the default values for all of the parameters which is a start.

Hopefully I'll start a table in the README to give a brief description of each parameter and a link to a journal article for more details etc.

Also hope to add a Perplexity calculation which might be useful in comparing results across various architectures / models.

I've had good results anecdotally with this system training on a baby names set using something e.g.:

python --data_dir data/babynames/ \
                         --num_layers 4 \
                         --model nas \
                         --seq_length 12 \
                         --num_epochs 200

I then let it train for about 12 hours on my GeForce GTX 1070 until the train_loss was below 1.0.

You can pick the number of epochs based on the speed of training to essentially "train for X hours".

Finally, we just added dropout so you could play around with adding:

--input_keep_prob 0.8 --output_keep_prob 0.5

Though its not been tested much so YMMV.

It'd be great to start collecting some real results / Tensorboard graphs / CLI parameters examples too.

Just some thoughts, thanks!

ubergarm avatar Mar 12 '17 19:03 ubergarm

Hi, I'm struggling to get good results as well. This is my first time using a LSTM RNN and I'm relatively new (cliche response) but I've gotten human readable responses after training with my dataset using other RNNs. I get only garbage here. A couple things I've noticed that are definitely bad but I don't know why yet:

  • I'm using TF-gpu 1.0.1
  • I'm on Ubuntu 14.04
  • I'm using Py 3.5
  • I train using a single 1070
  • this is my train command: python3.5 --data_dir=./data/Nav/ --rnn_size 512 --num_layers 5 --input_keep_prob 0.8 --output_keep_prob 0.5
  • my input.txt is 1.6MB and consists of a bunch of whitepapers and reports that I concatenated using your suggestion, i.e. xargs although I had to change it to -d '\n' because my txt filenames have spaces.
  • BAD: I get to 1.0 to 1.2 train_loss after 60 seconds. It takes around 700 iterations.
  • BAD: I can't get to <1 train_loss even after 7200 iter
  • BAD: here is the output after I swapped the \r\n for the actual characters:
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I think it's converging too fast as you said in previous posts. How would you suggest I get better output?


hoomanNo5 avatar Mar 15 '17 18:03 hoomanNo5


Your setup sounds good, (i use the same hardware/ TF-gpu)...

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Your rnn_size and number of layers are kind of big for the small amount of input data.
Dataset sizes: Note that if your data is too small (1MB is already considered very small) the RNN won't learn very effectively. Remember that it has to learn everything completely from scratch. Conversely if your data is large (more than about 2MB), feel confident to increase rnn_size and train a bigger model (see details of training below). It will work significantly better. For example with 6MB you can easily go up to rnn_size 300 or even more. 

Also the dropout feature is new and from what I can tell is most useful only when you don't want to overfit your data, but not the current problem.

So I'd suggest starting with the basic settings and see how that goes e.g.:

python3.5 --data_dir=./data/Nav/

The defaults are pretty good for your amount of data. ( --rnn_size 128 and --num_layers 2 are default. )

The next thing I'd consider increasing is perhaps --seq_length 100 up from the default of 50. That will help the short term memory effect last across a longer string of characters.

Please report back with your findings!

ubergarm avatar Mar 15 '17 20:03 ubergarm

Also, people have had good success with this specific repo, here is an example of generating music in ABC notation to midi: I re-created this musical experiment myself on the latest version and while the songs aren't great, they all were playable as midi files without hand tweaking!

Tuning your models is kind of a "dark art" at this point. My best advice in general is:

  1. Start with as much clean input.txt as possible e.g. 50MiB
  2. Start by establishing a baseline using the default settings.
  3. Use tensorboard to compare all of your runs visually to aid in experimenting.
  4. Tweak --rnn_size up somewhat if you have a lot of input data.
  5. Tweak --num_layers from 2 to 3 but no higher unless you have experience.
  6. Tweak --seq_length up based on the length of a valid input string (e.g. names are <= 12 characters, sentences may be up to 64 characters, etc). An lstm cell will "remember" for durations longer than this sequence, but the effect falls off for longer character distances.
  7. Finally once you've done all that, only then would I suggest adding some dropout. Start with --output_keep_prob 0.8 and maybe end up with both --input_keep_prob 0.8 --output_keep_prob 0.5 only after exhausting all the above valules.

Happy searching!

ubergarm avatar Mar 15 '17 20:03 ubergarm

You're right about the size. I actually had 4.3MB in my corpus but I removed a big chunk of it because I thought it was too different from the rest of my corpus.

I will remove the dropout to see if it gets better results. I will definitely increase the sequence length. Will that drastically increase the iteration calculation time?

One of my nagging questions in my head is, "what is clean data for this LSTM? Should all the TXT files be in the same format? Or can it vary? e.g. movie scripts cannot be used with whitepapers or technical specifications.

hoomanNo5 avatar Mar 16 '17 14:03 hoomanNo5

@hoomanNo5 another interesting post I read about mixing input from various authors:

Technically you can mix anything you want into a big input.txt. It really depends on what you're trying to get out because: whatever you put into the system, is what you'll get out of the system.

If you use a lot of different formats in one training, then the model may "waste some space" learning to mimic each of the different formatting styles. So the most "efficient system" would have consistent style of input assuming you want consistent style of output.

ubergarm avatar Mar 16 '17 15:03 ubergarm

Thanks everybody for your input!

I have finally managed to get waaaay better (actually really good) results by reducing the num_layers to 3. It seems to me that anything above 3 results in drastically worse results. I don't know why this is, I'm just telling you what I observed. It might help you.

As for the dropout: I'd really appreciate if you could give me a short explanation about how it will affect training?

STNBRT avatar Mar 16 '17 16:03 STNBRT

@ubergarm So here is what I did:

  • increased my input.txt to 18.8MB.
  • increased rnn_size to 512 and kept layer to 2
  • seq_length is 250
  • 4000 iterations --> 4000/17350 (epoch 11), train_loss = 0.631, time/batch = 0.481
  • I rechecked my hardware, I have a 1080 instead of 1070. output is still meaningless, but it does sound kind of like something that makes sense.

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A couple of questions come to mind:

  1. the " ? " sequence is something that I thought I cleaned out of my input.txt. I did leave the old versions of input.txt in the same folder but under different names. I looked through your code, but I can only find references to "input.txt." Is there logic that uses the entire folder?
  2. I left data.npy and vocab.pkl from the previous training sessions with old corpii (sp?). I should have removed those, right? I removed them for my next training session so that they could be created from the latest corpus.
  3. My corpus contains 1 gigantic chunk of dialogue, 13 whitepapers, 3 requirements docs, and 19 analyst reports. After reading your link from gwern, I realize I am making a huge mistake with my mixed corpus. I need to balance it or segment it. Right now every sentence has a newline. Which would prevent the RNN from learning adequate differences in style because it is trying to average everything which is not right. Using a large sequence doesn't help either if the sentence is less than 20 characters long. Man...I know so little about this. No question here, just thinking out loud. Thank you for responding!

hoomanNo5 avatar Mar 16 '17 18:03 hoomanNo5

I have finally managed to get waaaay better (actually really good) results by reducing the num_layers to 3. It seems to me that anything above 3 results in drastically worse results. I don't know why this is,

I was just reading this and was about to point this out: most people strongly recommend against using >3 layers in RNNs, and even 1 layer often works well, because, as you discovered, it works horribly. (For example, I think Karpathy mentions this in his RNN post.) It's either too much computation per character or it's a depth problem, the same way you can't train regular feedforward or CNN NNs more than 20 layers or so without problems like totally diverging on you unless you have special tricks like residual layers. (An RNN can be seen as an extremely deep feedforward NN, after all.) For RNNs, this problem hasn't been solved yet AFAIK; presumably someone will figure out at some point how to reuse residual layers or batchnorm or initialization in just the right way to fix it, but not yet.

gwern avatar Mar 17 '17 17:03 gwern

guys, i too am having unsatisfactory results while using lstm, i did not use this code but i looked through this and andrej's code before trying my implementation. my config is: BATCH_SIZE=25 LAYER_NUM=2 SEQ_LENGTH=75 HIDDEN_DIM=128 GENERATE_LEN=500 LEARNING_RATE=2e-3

my error is down to 4 but its still not constructing proper words or sentences The dataset i am using is the mini shakespeare one as of now

epoch 582 iteration 100 loss 4.223689

n nd t thedathearot ould the, ooonth, ife! it cath oubu is ands, TI t w: Une d, O: Boouth A: fof. buld LI cther nichiet, ad: Asithimownuch the h f poupen MOLI tharorilel, f o'de oulant, ses ousth, Thik

so i wanted to ask should i wait for the loss to go below 1 or should i change some parameters or is there a problem with my code

vibss2397 avatar Jul 15 '18 10:07 vibss2397