Is this ready for review again?
@cjwest any update to this PR or should I close it for being stale?
This looks good from a visual and code standpoint. A couple of things I'd like to see 1. Release notes about usage 2. An update to documenting this usage...
> > Also, I actually previously added a scss mixin on Decanter 6 that kind of does the same thing, but I don't think it's been used much (or at...
Great. Internally, I'd like to see an announcement at a future dev chat and/or something posted in a slack channel.
To unblock you for getting this merged, you can go forward with the merge if you create a ticket somewhere to come back and document the work. Even opening up...
I was able to get this to run by running `composer install` in the plugin and re-routing the include paths to not to assume a Drupal 8 structure but rather,...
@cball please review PR to remove plain text printing of secrets to the console.
Plus one to this comment.