ha-dyson copied to clipboard
{"message":"Invalid handler specified"}
Please help me, when i launch Dyson cloud i receive this message Italian language :
Impossibile caricare il flusso di configurazione: {"message":"Invalid handler specified"}
the same Dyson local Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}
same over here for both
Error log says
Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration dyson_cloud: cannot import name 'DysonPurifierHumidifyCoolFormaldehyde' from 'libdyson' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libdyson/__init__.py)
Are u sure to have DysonPurifierHumidifyCoolFormaldehyde ? i have hp06 (formaaldeide) but dosn't work. .. i chose simply hot+cool and it work.
Solved. Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}
- Deleted integrations in hack.
- Deleted directories in custom component (with terminal).
- Restart Home Assistant.
- Used terminal (python3 get_devices.py) to discover serial credential etc... initially it didn't work because I had disconnected the account from the mobile phone.
- I logged in with my phone, ran python3 get_devices.py again and it worked.
- In home assistant I only installed the hacs dyson local component.
- Restarted home assistant
- Launch dyson local and it worked choosing dyson hot+cool (i have hp06)
{"message":"Invalid handler specified"}
Ciao, ho visto la tua soluzione ma non mi è molto chiara, potresti aiutarmi?
Ciao, se posso volentieri Cosa non ti è chiaro?
Ciao, se posso volentieri Cosa non ti è chiaro?
Intanto grazie per la risposta :) Brevemente ho fatto una installazione del HACS e tutto ok, poi quando ho fatto il nuovo aggiornamento di HA mi ha dato quell'errore che ha dato pure a te. Per risolverlo ho dovuto caricare un Backup.
Ora non credo farò l'aggiornamento.
Ciao, quell'errore a me lo ha dato quando ho installato il modulo per il Dyson. L'aggiornamento dell' HACS era invece andato a buon fine. Ora ho anche io diversi aggiornamenti pendenti ma... visto che ora funziona tutto .. non tocco nulla :)
Similar issues with Dyson local and Dyson cloud.
After adding and downloading the integrations https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson and https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson-cloud, I tried to configure Dyson local or cloud but the following error appeared:
The Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}
This is the HA logfile about the issue:
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries Source: config_entries.py:834 First occurred: 10:16:01 (2 occurrences) Last logged: 10:16:06
Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration dyson_cloud: cannot import name 'DysonPurifierHumidifyCoolFormaldehyde' from 'libdyson' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libdyson/init.py) Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration dyson_local: cannot import name 'DysonPurifierHumidifyCoolFormaldehyde' from 'libdyson' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/libdyson/init.py)
Similar issues with Dyson local and Dyson cloud.
After adding and downloading the integrations https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson and https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson-cloud, I tried to configure Dyson local or cloud but the following error appeared:
Dyson cloud is not actively updated and it messes things up:
Solved. Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}
- Deleted integrations in hack.
- Deleted directories in custom component (with terminal).
- Restart Home Assistant.
- Used terminal (python3 get_devices.py) to discover serial credential etc... initially it didn't work because I had disconnected the account from the mobile phone.
- I logged in with my phone, ran python3 get_devices.py again and it worked.
- In home assistant I only installed the hacs dyson local component.
- Restarted home assistant
- Launch dyson local and it worked choosing dyson hot+cool (i have hp06)
Looks like this is working but not for me, i have a TP09.
I had a similar issue, not exactly the same but perhaps my solution may help here. I tried to use the latest source code from the main branch and encountered this error when attempting to load dyson_local:
Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration dyson_local: No module named 'libdyson'
I did a little digging and found that this commit was implemented a while back, and decided to implement the referenced libdyson Github code in the requirements field as follows:
"requirements": ["libdyson@git+https://github.com/shenxn/libdyson@main"],
The full manifest.json was this, and this worked for me:
# cat manifest.json
"domain": "dyson_local",
"name": "Dyson Local",
"config_flow": true,
"documentation": "https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson",
"issue_tracker": "https://github.com/shenxn/ha-dyson/issues",
"dependencies": ["zeroconf"],
"codeowners": ["@shenxn"],
"requirements": ["libdyson@git+https://github.com/shenxn/libdyson@main"],
"version": "0.16.4-4",
"iot_class": "local_polling"
Here's also another solution I found:
I found a solution, buried in this thread: https://github.com/shenxn/libdyson/pull/32#issuecomment-1399591550 @javemp wrote it, I followed it and now it's working: to get this working:
- fully uninstall existing integration and restart ha
- reinstall the integration from hacs (do not restart ha yet) and modify your manifest.json file to change:
“requirements”: [“libdyson==0.8.11”]
to:“requirements": ["git+https://github.com/jezzab/libdyson.git@main#libdyson==0.9.0"],
- restart ha and install integration as per normal, you should now see purifier cool in the list of devices
huge thanks to @jezzab for his work
Here's also another solution I found:
I found a solution, buried in this thread: shenxn/libdyson#32 (comment) @javemp wrote it, I followed it and now it's working: to get this working:
- fully uninstall existing integration and restart ha
- reinstall the integration from hacs (do not restart ha yet) and modify your manifest.json file to change:
“requirements”: [“libdyson==0.8.11”]
to:“requirements": ["git+https://github.com/jezzab/libdyson.git@main#libdyson==0.9.0"],
- restart ha and install integration as per normal, you should now see purifier cool in the list of devices
huge thanks to @jezzab for his work
Looks promising except that i have a Hot+Cool+Formaldehyde and that one isn't shown, even with this trick
Adding “requirements": ["git+https://github.com/jezzab/libdyson.git@main#libdyson==0.9.0"],
fixed this for me. I was able to use it for the cloud as well, log in, then add the local entity and delete cloud.
Any plans on making that the main lib?
Unfortunately this integration is no longer maintained, but I've created a new fork and am actively working on the new Formaldehyde models. Have a look at #185 for more information, and let me know if you have any questions.
The new repos incorporate the 0.9.0 version and a few more recent Pull Requests for expanded device support.