brename icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
brename copied to clipboard


Open awendland opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

First off, thank you so much for creating this tool! It's been a super useful introduction to my CLI toolset that has made working with huge numbers of files so much easier.

I was hoping to make this tool installable via Homebrew, macOS's unofficial package manager. There are two ways to create a new entry in Homebrew (as far as I'm aware):

  1. Submit a Formula to homebrew-core that compiles brename from source for macOS. See
    • Pro: This would allow users to run brew install brename.
    • Con: This requires vendoring to be introduced to the project according to the brew audit tool: C: 19: col 7: Do not use `go get`. Please ask upstream to implement Go vendoring
    • Con: This cannot leverage the assets already built and published on GitHub releases.
  2. Create a Tap that users can install from using, e.g., brew install shenwei356/tap/brename (see how croc, another golang project, handles it):
    • Pro: This directly uses the assets stored GitHub releases.
    • Pro: This mandates no changes to the current repository.
    • Con: This usually mandates creating a new repository. However, an approach like pup.rb can be taken where the file is committed directly to this repository and then the user runs a command like brew install which is more bulky).
    • Other: GoReleaser can be used to autogenerate these Formula.

I've made an attempt to author a Formula for both approaches:

homebrew-core Formula

class Brename < Formula
  desc "Safely batch rename files/directories via regular expression"
  homepage ""
  url "",
      tag:      "v2.11.0",
      revision: "c945c33a689b4e79385826db9c828bbf77644e14"
  license "MIT"
  head ""

  depends_on "go" => :build
  depends_on "gox" => :build

  def install
    ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath
    dir = buildpath/"src/"
    dir.install buildpath.children

    cd dir do
      system "go", "get", "-v"
      system "gox", "-arch", "amd64", "-os", "darwin", "./..."
      bin.install "brename_darwin_amd64" => "brename"

    prefix.install_metafiles dir

  test do
    # brename normally outputs status information to stderr but shell_output only captures
    # stdout so it must be redirected
    assert_match "checking: \[ ok \]",
      shell_output("#{bin}/brename -p 'zip' -r 'zippy' -d #{test_fixtures("cask")} 2>&1")

Tap Formula

class Brename < Formula
  version "2.11.0"
  desc "Safely batch rename files/directories via regular expression"
  homepage ""
  license "MIT"
  bottle :unneeded

  if OS.mac?
    if Hardware::CPU.is_64_bit?
      url ""
      sha256 "7f0094cbaed1154737c716db737404371e7f8e323b09b729455547cd0c75c857"
      url ""
      sha256 "1c912a8528247a03a08e44c84974f53c923f3ffa1af4588e4399fa9d3361e060"
  elsif OS.linux?
    if Hardware::CPU.is_64_bit?
      url ""
      sha256 "baf95821def8db827f57995fe2716cac21eddc8215d20c14dfddeb241f03648c"
      url ""
      sha256 "02606e709bba976d4f80ef2134733e41fc40700b29187330c61dd70108f66d83"

  def install
    bin.install "brename"

  test do
    # brename normally outputs status information to stderr but shell_output only captures
    # stdout so it must be redirected
    assert_match "checking: \[ ok \]",
      shell_output("#{bin}/brename -p 'zip' -r 'zippy' -d #{test_fixtures("cask")} 2>&1")

awendland avatar Aug 17 '20 19:08 awendland

Nice! Thank you!

I'm not familiar with homebrew, I submit my other tools written in go to homebrew-bio similar with the second method, but they only accept bioinformatics-related tools.

I've tried to submit csvtk to homebrew-core but failed.

shenwei356 avatar Aug 18 '20 00:08 shenwei356

This is my first foray into homebrew, so it sounds like your experience might be stronger in this regard. If homebrew core is proving difficult, would you be open to hosting something like the what the croc maintainer does? He (schollz) hosts a file Formula/croc.rb in a repo called schollz/homebrew-tap. This allows users to run brew install schollz/tap/croc. I think it would be more trustworthy for you to host a brename Formula (the Tap Formula I posted in my original comment should work for the v2.11.0 release) than anyone else 🙂

awendland avatar Aug 19 '20 21:08 awendland

Actually some kind guys helped to write those formulas. The way looks easy and feasible, I'll try to put all my apps in.

shenwei356 avatar Aug 20 '20 02:08 shenwei356