Saliency-Aware-Video-Object-Segmentation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Saliency Aware Video Object Segmentation (CVPR15, PAMI18)

Implementation code (V3) for cvpr 2015:

W. Wang, J. Shen, F. Porikli, Saliency-aware geodesic video object segmentation, IEEE CVPR, pp. 3395-3402, 2015

The code is free to use for research purposes. If you use this software for research purposes, you should cite [1,2] in any resulting publication.

[1] W. Wang, J. Shen, F. Porikli, Saliency-aware geodesic video object segmentation, IEEE CVPR, pp. 3395-3402, 2015

[2] W. Wang, J. Shen, R. Yang, and F. Porikli, Saliency-aware Video Object Segmentation, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 40(1):20-33, 2018

The code has been tested on 32-bit/64-bit Window and 64-bit Linux platforms with matlab R2009b/R2011b/R2012b/R2013a/R2015. Please compile '*.cpp' files in 'subCode'.

=========================================================================== Note:

The saliency demo code (computeSaliency.m) produces slightly different results to those reported in the paper [1]. This is due to changes in the parameters and the final saliency results are stored in data/outputs/(videoname)/final_saliency. Saliency results stored in the folder 'intra-frame_saliency' and 'inter-frame saliency' are generated by our intra-frame graph and inter-frame graph respectively.
We directly modify Canny as our edge detection method.

And use our function 'computeBoundary.m' for computing static boundary for better performance with more computation time

=========================================================================== Changelog

=========================================================================== v3: Remove some unuseful functions and fix small bugs v2: Provide binaries for 64-bit Linux and fix small bugs v1: First public release

=========================================================================== Contact Information

Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

This code uses some public source codes from internet. We thank all the authors for the release of their codes.