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Question about how to use optimizer_loss
Hi !
Firstly thanks a lot for your work :)
I am trying to use SOP on another work but I throws an error
model1 = model1(num_classes=10)
model2 = model2(num_classes=10)
model1 = model1.cuda()
model2 = model2.cuda()
optimizer = optim.SGD([{'params': model1.parameters()},
{'params': model2.parameters()}] , lr=1e-3)
SOP1_loss = overparametrization_loss(num_examp=50000, num_classes=10 ratio_consistency=0.9, ratio_balance=0.1)
SOP2_loss = overparametrization_loss(num_examp=50000, num_classes=10, ratio_consistency=0.9, ratio_balance=0.1)
optimizer_loss = optim.SGD([{'params': SOP1_loss.u, 'lr': 1, 'weight_decay':0},
{'params': SOP1_loss.v, 'lr': 10, 'weight_decay':0},
{'params': SOP2_loss.u, 'lr': 1, 'weight_decay':0},
{'params': SOP2_loss.v, 'lr': 10, 'weight_decay':0}])
and when running it it throws this below
tensor([[ 1.3391e-08],
[ 2.0517e-09],
[ 2.4108e-09],
[ 1.3343e-09],
[-1.0457e-08]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ToCopyBackward0>)
Traceback (most recent call last):
optimizer_loss = optim.SGD([{'params': SOP1_loss.u, 'lr': 1, 'weight_decay':0},
File "/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/optim/", line 27, in __init__
super().__init__(params, defaults)
File "/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/optim/", line 192, in __init__
File ".local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/optim/", line 515, in add_param_group
raise ValueError("can't optimize a non-leaf Tensor")
ValueError: can't optimize a non-leaf Tensor
Does someone have an idea of what is going on ? I think I use it incorrectly
Hello, I have tried multiple modifications on the code but couldn't succeed to do what I want. This is ths code of optimizer_overparametrization I have
class overparametrization_loss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_examp, num_classes=10, ratio_consistency = 0, ratio_balance = 0):
super(overparametrization_loss, self).__init__()
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.config = ConfigParser.get_instance()
self.USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
self.num_examp = num_examp
self.ratio_consistency = ratio_consistency
self.ratio_balance = ratio_balance
self.u = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_examp, 1, dtype=torch.float32))
self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_examp, num_classes, dtype=torch.float32))
self.init_param(mean=self.config['reparam_arch']['args']['mean'], std=self.config['reparam_arch']['args']['std'])
def init_param(self, mean=0., std=1e-8):
torch.nn.init.normal_(self.u, mean=mean, std=std)
torch.nn.init.normal_(self.v, mean=mean, std=std)
def forward(self, index, outputs, label):
# label = torch.zeros(len(label), self.config['num_classes']).cuda().scatter_(1, label.view(-1,1), 1)
if len(outputs) > len(index):
output, output2 = torch.chunk(outputs, 2)
ensembled_output = 0.5 * (output + output2).detach()
output = outputs
ensembled_output = output.detach()
eps = 1e-4
U_square = self.u[index]**2 * label
V_square = self.v[index]**2 * (1 - label)
U_square = torch.clamp(U_square, 0, 1)
V_square = torch.clamp(V_square, 0, 1)
E = U_square - V_square
self.E = E
original_prediction = F.softmax(output, dim=1)
prediction = torch.clamp(original_prediction + U_square - V_square.detach(), min = eps)
prediction = F.normalize(prediction, p = 1, eps = eps)
prediction = torch.clamp(prediction, min = eps, max = 1.0)
label_one_hot = self.soft_to_hard(output.detach())
MSE_loss = F.mse_loss((label_one_hot + U_square - V_square), label, reduction='sum') / len(label)
loss = torch.mean(-torch.sum((label) * torch.log(prediction), dim = -1))
loss += MSE_loss
if self.ratio_balance > 0:
avg_prediction = torch.mean(prediction, dim=0)
prior_distr = 1.0/self.num_classes * torch.ones_like(avg_prediction)
avg_prediction = torch.clamp(avg_prediction, min = eps, max = 1.0)
balance_kl = torch.mean(-(prior_distr * torch.log(avg_prediction)).sum(dim=0))
loss += self.ratio_balance * balance_kl
if (len(outputs) > len(index)) and (self.ratio_consistency > 0):
consistency_loss = self.consistency_loss(index, output, output2)
loss += self.ratio_consistency * torch.mean(consistency_loss)
return loss
def consistency_loss(self, index, output1, output2):
preds1 = F.softmax(output1, dim=1).detach()
preds2 = F.log_softmax(output2, dim=1)
loss_kldiv = F.kl_div(preds2, preds1, reduction='none')
loss_kldiv = torch.sum(loss_kldiv, dim=1)
return loss_kldiv
def soft_to_hard(self, x):
with torch.no_grad():
return (torch.zeros(len(x), self.config['num_classes'])).cuda().scatter_(1, (x.argmax(dim=1)).view(-1,1), 1)
Can Someone help me debug this stuff plz ? :)