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Open source implementation of the SOQL.


Open source implementation of the SOQL.
You can query everything you want by defining the resolvers.

SOQL is an object-oriented query language that allows you to query related data based on an object graph.

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Table of contents

  • Install
  • Getting started
  • Features
  • Usage
  • FAQ
  • License

⚙️ Install

npm install open-soql

Use with webpack >= 5

If you get the error:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '(importing/path/to/filename)'
in '(path/to/node_modules/path/to/dirname)'
Did you mean '(filename).js'?`

Add following setting to your webpack.config.js.

    test: /\.m?js/,
    resolve: {
        fullySpecified: false,

On webpack >= 5, the extension in the request is mandatory for it to be fully specified if the origin is a '.mjs' file or a '.js' file where the package.json contains '"type": "module"'.

🚀 Getting started

Set up the resolvers

import { build }                      from 'open-soql/modules/builder';
import { staticJsonResolverBuilder,
         passThroughResolverBuilder } from 'open-soql/modules/resolvers';

// See `src/types.ts` > `QueryBuilderInfo`
const { compile, soql,
        insert, update, remove, touch, notifyRemoved,
        subscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribeAllBySubscriber } = build({

    functions: [{ // optional: For defining custom functions.
        type: 'scalar',
        name: 'string',
        fn: (ctx, args, records) => {
            return String(args[0]);
    }, {
        type: 'scalar',
        name: 'number',
        fn: (ctx, args, records) => {
            return Number(args[0]);
    }, {
        type: 'immediate-scalar',
        name: 'cast_string',
        fn: (ctx, args) => {
            return String(args[0]);
    }, {
        type: 'immediate-scalar',
        name: 'cast_number',
        fn: (ctx, args) => {
            return Number(args[0]);
    }, {
        type: 'aggregate',
        name: 'count_twice',
        fn: (ctx, args, records) => {
            return records.length * 2;
    events: { // optional: For resolving transaction and N+1 query problem.
        beginTransaction: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
        endTransaction: (evt, err) => Promise.resolve(),
        beginExecute: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
        endExecute: (evt, err) => Promise.resolve(),
        beforeMasterSubQueries: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
        afterMasterSubQueries: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
        beforeDetailSubQueries: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
        afterDetailSubQueries: (evt) => Promise.resolve(),
    resolvers: {
        query: {
            Account: (fields, conditions, limit, offset, ctx) => {
                // Fetch the `Account` object data.
                ctx.resolverCapabilities.filtering = true; // True if the resolver can filter records.
                return Promise.resolve([{ ... }, ... ]);
            Contact: (fields, conditions, limit, offset, ctx) => {
                // Fetch the `Contact` object data.
                // `ctx.parent` is a parent record.
                ctx.resolverCapabilities.filtering = true; // True if the resolver can filter records.
                return Promise.resolve([{ ... }, ... ]);
            Opportunity: (fields, conditions, limit, offset, ctx) => {
                // Fetch the `Opportunity` object data.
                // `ctx.parent` is a parent record.
                ctx.resolverCapabilities.filtering = true; // True if the resolver can filter records.
                return Promise.resolve([{ ... }, ... ]);
            Event: staticCsvResolverBuilder(  // (CSV string)
                                              // "staticJsonResolverBuilder"(JSON string) and
                                              // "passThroughResolverBuilder"(array of object)
                                              // are also available.
                'Event', () => Promise.resolve(`
                    Id,      Subject, WhatId
                    Event/1, Email,   Account/1
                    Event/2, Phone,   Contact/1
        insert: { // optional: For DML
            Contact: (records, ctx) => {
                return Promise.resolve(, i) => ({...x, id: `Contact/${i}`})));
        update: { // optional: For DML
            Contact: (records, ctx) => {
                return Promise.resolve(records);
        remove: { // optional: For DML
            Contact: (records, ctx) => {
                return Promise.resolve();
    relationships: { // optional: For relationship query
         * detailResolverName
         * e.g.: Contact: { account: 'Account' }
         *       Contact: { account: { resolver: 'Account', id: 'accountId' } }
         * NOTE: 'Account' is `masterResolverName`.
         *       'account' is `masterObjectFieldName`.
         *       'accountId' is `masterIdName`. (foreign key field name)
         *       `Contact (resolver) -> account (field name)` direction is `Detail to Master`.
         * masterResolverName
         * e.g.: Account: { contacts: ['Contact'] }
         *       Account: { contacts: ['Contact', 'account'] }
         * NOTE: 'contacts' is details relationship name.
         *       'Contact' is `detailResolverName` and 'account' is Contact's `masterObjectFieldName`.
         *       Default masterObjectFieldName is `MasterResolverName`.
         *       `Account (resolver) -> contacts (relationship name)` direction is `Master to Details`.
        Account: {
            Contacts: ['Contact'],                      // master->details relationship
            Opportunities: ['Opportunity', 'Account'],  // master->details relationship
        },                                              //     (Explicitly specify relationship item)
        Contact: {
            Account: 'Account',                         // detail->master relationship
        Opportunity: {
            Account: 'Account',                         // detail->master relationship
        Event: {
            Account: { resolver: 'Account', id: 'WhatId' },  // detail->master relationship
            Contact: { resolver: 'Contact', id: 'WhatId' },  //     (Explicitly specify Id item)
            Opportunity: { resolver: 'Opportunity', id: 'WhatId' },


const result = await soql<Partial<Contact>>`
    Select         aid
      , acc.Region     reg
      , acc.Category   cat
      , (
          Select id, Name
          from acc.Opportunities
          where Amount > ${10000}
                         -- It can be number, string, boolean or null.
          order by DueDate desc limit 5
      , string(id)
      , string(foo)
      , string(reg)
      , string(acc.qux)
    from Contact con, con.Account acc
            number(acc.numOfEmployees) = 5
        and acc.created > ${{type: 'date', value: '2020-01-01'}}
                             -- It can be 'date' or 'datetime'.
        and acc.updated > 2020-01-01
      ) or (
   = 1
        and = 2
        and acc.baz = 2
      ) or not (
            acc.qux = 1
        and acc.quux = 2
        and acc.corge in (Select id from Event)
    order by aid, reg, cat
    limit 10 offset 2
    -- line comment
    /* block comment */
// result is [{...}, ...]

Pre-compiled query

  • Non-parameterized query.
    (Template literal parameters will be interpreted before compiling.)
const query = compile`Select id from account where id > ${'100'}`;
const result = await query.execute<Partial<Account>>();
  • Named parameterized query.
const query = compile`Select id from account where id > :idGreaterThan`;
const result = await query.execute<Partial<Account>>({ idGreaterThan: '100' });

You can use parameters on the right side of the conditional expression, function arguments, limit, and offset.


const aggregationResult = await soql<ContactAgg>`
      , count(id) cnt
      , sum(bar) sum
      , cast_string(12345) str
      , cast_number('2234') num
        foo > ''
    group by Region
    having count(id) > 0
// aggregationResult is [{...}, ...]

DML (bulk)

const inserted = await insert('Contact', [{
    Name: 'foo',
// inserted is [{ Id: 'Contact/1', Name: 'foo' }]

const updated = await update('Contact', inserted);
// updated is [{ Id: 'Contact/1', Name: 'foo' }]

await remove('Contact', updated);

const selected = await soql<Partial<Contact>>`Select Id, Name from Contact`;
const updated2 = await update('Contact', selected);

DML (single record)

const inserted = await insert('Contact', {
    Name: 'foo',
// inserted is { Id: 'Contact/1', Name: 'foo' }

const updated = await update('Contact', inserted);
// updated is { Id: 'Contact/1', Name: 'foo' }

await remove('Contact', updated);

Execute commands within a transaction

await transaction(async (commands, tr) => {
    const { compile, soql, insert, update, remove, touch, notifyRemoved } = commands;

    const inserted = await insert('Contact', [{
        Name: 'foo',
    const selected = await soql<Partial<Contact>>`Select Id, Name from Contact`;
    const updated = await update('Contact', selected);
    await remove('Contact', updated);

    const query = compile`Select id from account where id > ${'100'}`;
    const selectedAccounts = await query.execute<Partial<Account>>();

Publish / Subscribe messaging

Without a transaction

const subscriber: Subscriber = ({on, resolver, id}) => {
    switch (on) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':
    case 'remove':

// Subscribe to all changes of the resolver `Contact`.
subscribe('Contact', null, subscriber);
// Subscribe to all changes of the record `Contact(id='Contact/z2')`.
subscribe('Contact', 'Contact/z2', subscriber);

await update('Contact', [ ... ]); // or insert(), remove(), touch()
// (Fire events on next event loop.)

await update('Contact', [ ... ]);
// (Fire events on next event loop.)

await update('Contact', [ ... ]);
// (Fire events on next event loop.)


// Unsubscribe to all changes of the resolver `Contact`.
unsubscribe('Contact', null, subscriber);
// Unsubscribe to all changes of the record `Contact(id='Contact/z2')`.
unsubscribe('Contact', 'Contact/z2', subscriber);

Within a transaction

const subscriber: Subscriber = ({on, resolver, id}) => { ... };

// Subscribe to all changes of the resolver `Contact`.
subscribe('Contact', null, subscriber);
// Subscribe to all changes of the record `Contact(id='Contact/z2')`.
subscribe('Contact', 'Contact/z2', subscriber);

await transaction(async (commands, tr) => {
    const { compile, soql, insert, update, remove, touch } = commands;

    await update('Contact', [ ... ]); // or insert(), remove(), touch()
    await update('Contact', [ ... ]);
    await update('Contact', [ ... ]);
// (Fire events on next event loop.)


// Unsubscribe to all changes of the resolver `Contact`.
unsubscribe('Contact', null, subscriber);
// Unsubscribe to all changes of the record `Contact(id='Contact/z2')`.
unsubscribe('Contact', 'Contact/z2', subscriber);

See also the following usage example repositories:

💎 Features


  • Select field list
    • [x] detail-master relationship name
    • [x] resolver (relationship) alias name
    • [x] field alias name
    • [x] function call (aggregate | scalar | immediate_scalar)
    • [x] nested function call (call functions in actual parameters of functions)
    • functions
      • Aggregate functions
        • [x] count(), count(field)
        • [x] count_distinct(field)
        • [x] sum(field)
        • [x] avg(field)
        • [x] min(field)
        • [x] max(field)
        • [ ] grouping(field)
      • Scalar functions
        • String functions
          • [ ] format(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] concat(field | literal | function call, ...)
        • Cast functions
          • [x] cast_to_string(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] cast_to_number(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] cast_to_boolean(field | literal | function call)
        • Calc functions
          • [x] add(field | literal | function call, ...)
          • [x] sub(field | literal | function call, ...)
          • [x] mul(field | literal | function call, ...)
          • [x] div(field | literal | function call, ...)
          • [x] mod(field | literal | function call, ...)
        • Date and datetime functions (UTC)
          • [x] convertTimezone(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] calendar_month(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] calendar_quarter(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] calendar_year(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] day_in_month(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] day_in_week(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] day_in_year(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] day_only(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_month(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_quarter(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_year(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] hour_in_day(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] week_in_month(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
          • [x] week_in_year(field | literal | convertTimezone(field) | function call)
        • Date and datetime functions (local timezone)
          • [x] calendar_month_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] calendar_quarter_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] calendar_year_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] day_in_month_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] day_in_week_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] day_in_year_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] day_only_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_month_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_quarter_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [ ] fiscal_year_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] hour_in_day_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] week_in_month_lc(field | literal | function call)
          • [x] week_in_year_lc(field | literal | function call)
    • [ ] TYPEOF expression
  • field expressions
    • [x] field
    • [x] field alias name
    • data types
      • [x] string
      • [x] number
      • [x] date
      • [x] datetime
      • [x] null
  • From clause
    • [x] resolver (relationship name) alias
  • Where clause
    • [x] field
    • data types
      • [x] string
      • [x] number
      • [x] date
      • [x] datetime
      • [x] null
    • [x] op1 function call (scalar | immediate_scalar)
    • [x] op2 function call (immediate_scalar)
    • [ ] date literals (e.g.: TODAY)
    • logical operators
      • [x] and
      • [x] or
      • [x] not
    • comparison operators
      • [x] =
      • [x] !=
      • [x] <
      • [x] <=
      • [x] >
      • [x] >=
      • [x] like
      • [x] not_like
      • [x] in
      • [x] not_in
      • [x] includes
      • [x] excludes
  • Having clause
    • [x] field
    • data types
      • [x] string
      • [x] number
      • [x] date
      • [x] datetime
      • [x] null
    • [x] op1 function call (immediate_scalar | aggregate)
    • [x] op2 function call (immediate_scalar)
    • [ ] date literals (e.g.: TODAY)
    • logical operators
      • [x] and
      • [x] or
      • [x] not
    • comparison operators
      • [x] =
      • [x] !=
      • [x] <
      • [x] <=
      • [x] >
      • [x] >=
      • [x] like
      • [x] not_like
      • [x] in
      • [x] not_in
      • [x] includes
      • [x] excludes
  • Group by clause
    • [x] fields
    • [x] field alias name
    • [ ] ROLLUP
    • [ ] CUBE
  • Order by clause
    • [x] fields
    • [x] resolver (relationship) alias name
    • [x] field alias name
    • [x] asc/desc
    • [x] nulls first/last
  • [ ] Using scope clause
  • [x] Limit clause
  • [x] Offset clause
  • [ ] With clause
  • [x] For clause

Other features

  • [x] prepared query (pre-compiled query)
    • [x] named parameterized query
  • standard query resolvers
    • [x] JSON string
    • [x] CSV string
    • [x] Array of object
  • DML
    • [x] insert
    • [x] update
    • [x] remove
  • [x] Publish / Subscribe messaging
  • [x] transaction scope
  • [x] template string

📖 Usage

📦 Module open-soql/modules/builder

🟢 build()

export interface QueryBuilderInfo {
    functions?: QueryFuncInfo[];
                // QueryFuncInfo[i].type is 'aggregate' | 'scalar' | 'immediate-scalar'
    rules?: {
        idFieldName?: (resolverName: string) => string;
        foreignIdFieldName?: (masterResolverName: string | undefined) => string | undefined;
    events?: {
        beginTransaction?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
        endTransaction?: (evt: ResolverEvent, err: Error | null) => Promise<void>;
        beginExecute?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
        endExecute?: (evt: ResolverEvent, err: Error | null) => Promise<void>;
        beforeMasterSubQueries?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
        afterMasterSubQueries?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
        beforeDetailSubQueries?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
        afterDetailSubQueries?: (evt: ResolverEvent) => Promise<void>;
    resolvers: {
        query: {
            [resolverNames: string]: QueryResolverFn;
        insert?: {
            [resolverNames: string]: InsertResolverFn;
        update?: {
            [resolverNames: string]: UpdateResolverFn;
        remove?: {
            [resolverNames: string]: RemoveResolverFn;
    relationships?: {
        [detailOrMasterResolverNames: string]: {
            [fieldOrRelNames: string]:
                string | { resolver: string, id: string } | [string, string?];

export interface IQuery {
    public execute<R>(
        params?: {
            [paramNames: string]:
                number | string | null |
                Array<number | string | null>
        }): Promise<R[]>;

export interface SubscriberParams {
    on: 'insert' | 'update' | 'remove';
    resolver: string;
    id: any | null;

export type Subscriber = (params: SubscriberParams) => void;

export function build(builder: QueryBuilderInfo): {
    compile: (strings: TemplateStringsArray | string,
            ...values: Array<PreparedAtomValue | Array<PreparedAtomValue>>) => IQuery;
    soql: (strings: TemplateStringsArray | string,
            ...values: Array<PreparedAtomValue | Array<PreparedAtomValue>>) => Promise<R[]>;
    insert: (resolver: string, obj: T) => Promise<T extends (infer R)[] ? R[] : T>;
    update: (resolver: string, obj: T) => Promise<T extends (infer R)[] ? R[] : T>;
    remove: (resolver: string, obj: T) => Promise<void>;
    touch: (resolver: string, obj: T) => Promise<void>;
    notifyRemoved: (resolver: string, obj: T) => Promise<void>;
    subscribe: (resolver: string, id: any, fn: Subscriber) => void,
    unsubscribe: (resolver: string, id: any, fn: Subscriber) => void,
    unsubscribeAllBySubscriber: (resolver: string, fn: Subscriber) => void,
    transaction: (
            callback: (commands: {
                compile, soql, insert, update, remove, touch
            }, tr: any) => Primise<void>,
            trOptions?: any,
        ) => Primise<void>;
  • Set up the resolvers.
  • builder: Resolvers and configurations.

The immediate-scalar function does not refer to the fields of a record and must be referentially transparent.

If query conditions includes computed fields, QueryResolverFn's parameter conditions will be [].
To get complete conditions, use parameter ctx.conditions.
You can get transformed conditions that include only the fields you specified by using getIndexFieldConditions().

  • Functions that execute select queries and DML
    • compile: Compile the query.
    • soql: Select records.
    • insert: Insert record(s).
    • update: Update record(s).
    • remove: Remove record(s).
    • touch: Queues update events for subscribers. (to notify remote changes)
    • notifyRemoved: Queues remove events for subscribers. (to notify remote changes)
    • subscribe: Subscribe to publishing events.
    • unsubscribe: Unsubscribe to publishing events.
    • unsubscribeAllBySubscriber: Unsubscribe to publishing events.
    • transaction: Execute commands within a transaction.

📦 Module open-soql/modules/sort

🟢 sortRecords()

export function sortRecords(query: PreparedQuery, records: any[]): any[];
  • Sort records.
  • query: Prepared query object.
  • records: Records to sort.
  • Sorted records.

📦 Module open-soql/modules/filters

🟢 applyWhereConditions()

export function applyWhereConditions(
    Omit<ResolverContext, 'resolverCapabilities'>,
    conds: PreparedCondition[], records: any[]): any[];
  • Filter records by where conditions.
  • ctx: Context object.
  • conds: where conditions.
  • records: Records to apply the filter.
  • Records that the filter applied.

🟢 applyHavingConditions()

export function applyHavingConditions(
    Omit<ResolverContext, 'resolverCapabilities'>,
    conds: PreparedCondition[], groupedRecsArray: any[][]): any[];
  • Filter groups by having conditions.
  • ctx: Context object.
  • conds: having conditions.
  • records: Groups to apply the filter.
  • Groups that the filter applied.

🟢 getIndexFieldConditions()

export function getIndexFieldConditions(
    ctx: Pick<ResolverContext, 'params'>,
    conds: PreparedCondition[], indexFieldNames: string[]): PreparedCondition[];
  • Gets the transformed conditions that include only the fields specified in indexFieldNames.
  • ctx: Context object.
  • conds: Original conditions.
  • indexFieldNames: Index fields.
  • Transformed conditions.

🟢 getSqlConditionString()

export interface SqlDialect {
    fieldName: (name: string) => string;
    escapeString: (s: string) => string;

export function getSqlConditionString(
    ctx: Pick<ResolverContext, 'params'>,
    conds: PreparedCondition[], dialect: SqlDialect): string;
  • Get the SQL condition string.
  • ctx: Context object.
  • conds: Conditions for converting to SQL conditions.
  • dialect: SQL dialect.
  • SQL condition string (where clause excludes the where keyword).

🟢 escapeSqlStringLiteral_Std()

export function escapeSqlStringLiteral_Std(s: string): string;
  • Escape the standard SQL string literal. (pass to SqlDialect)
  • s: string literal.
  • Escaped string.

🟢 escapeSqlStringLiteral_MySql()

export function escapeSqlStringLiteral_MySql(s: string): string;
  • Escape the MySQL string literal. (pass to SqlDialect)
  • s: string literal.
  • Escaped string.

📦 Module open-soql/modules/resolvers

🟢 staticJsonResolverBuilder()

export interface StaticResolverConfig {
    noCache?: boolean;
    noFiltering?: boolean;
    noSorting?: boolean;

export const staticJsonResolverBuilder:
    (resolverName: string, fetcher: () => Promise<string>,
     config?: StaticResolverConfig) => QueryResolverFn;
  • Generate the query resolver for static JSON data.
  • resolverName: Resolver name.
  • fetcher: The function that returns promise of data.
  • Query resolver.

🟢 staticCsvResolverBuilder()

export const staticCsvResolverBuilder:
    (resolverName: string, fetcher: () => Promise<string>,
     config?: StaticResolverConfig) => QueryResolverFn;
  • Generate the query resolver for static CSV data.
  • resolverName: Resolver name.
  • fetcher: The function that returns promise of data.
  • Query resolver.

🟢 passThroughResolverBuilder()

export const passThroughResolverBuilder:
    (resolverName: string, fetcher: () => Promise<any[]>,
     config?: StaticResolverConfig) => QueryResolverFn;
  • Generate the query resolver for static object array data.
  • resolverName: Resolver name.
  • fetcher: The function that returns promise of data.
  • Query resolver.


  • What does SOQL stand for?
    • 👉 In Open SOQL, SOQL stands for SOQL is Object Query Language.
    • 👉 In original SOQL, SOQL stands for Salesforce Object Query Language.

⚖️ License

Copyright (c) 2020 Shellyl_N and Authors