postcss-less copied to clipboard
incorrect result on parsing at-rules in less
- Node Version:12.16.1
- NPM Version:6.13.4
- postcss Version:7.0.35
- postcss-less Version:3.1.4
Raised an issue in stylelint
@border-top:none !important;
while parsing the above code, getting property as "@borde-top:none" instead of "@border-top" . if there is no space between ":" and property, value getting incorrect results.
Expected Behavior
while parsing the property should be "@borde-top".
Actual Behavior
while parsing the property is "@borde-top:none".
How can we reproduce the behavior?
Parse the given sample code.
Pull requests are welcome!
Seems it was due to the regexp used for tokenize in postcss library. will report the issue in postcss
@shellscape can u check the comment @Semigradsky suggesting using own tokenizer in postcss-less. is it possible?
yeah @ai has spoken with me before about inheriting the tokenizer from PostCSS. It's a lot to maintain, and the PostCSS tokenizer works for 99% of cases. We customize this project where necessary and where discrepancies exist between CSS and LESS. I have no plans to change how this project works, but I will accept bug fixes and modifications.
@ssivanatarajan I recommend forking this parser, copy the PostCSS tokenizer to the fork, fix it for the Less case. I will promote the fork.
Unfortunately, @shellscape’s way saves only his time, but increases a lot number of bugs and reduces ecosystem stability. We already had a few problems in ecosystems because of the private API usage in postcss-less
not to sound selfish, but that is mostly true. it is a major time saver for me. if a fork happens, I will fully support it
@ssivanatarajan I recommend forking this parser, copy the PostCSS tokenizer to the fork, fix it for the Less case. I will promote the fork.
Unfortunately, @shellscape’s way saves only his time, but increases a lot number of bugs and reduces ecosystem stability. We already had a few problems in ecosystems because of the private API usage in
@ai this postcss-less using postcss library for both parsing and tokenizing. So do i need to create a separate parser and tokenizer based on postcss?
@shellscape seems issue was due to the regexp used for identifying the end position of at-rule (RE_AT_END : /[ \n\t\r\f{}()'"\;/[]#]/g) , if i add ":" to this regexp , this issue is not coming. i am not sure whether it will affect any other cases? can u please check?
@ssivanatarajan please fork the repo to make changes and run tests. You'll probably need to add a test for your reported case. Then if all tests pass, you'll know the change is good.
@shellscape these regexp changes need to be done in postcss library.
This postcss-less library using postcss for parsing and tokenizing less, so shall I fork postcss-less project and implement both parsing and tokenizing or just change that regexp in postcss fork?
Yeap, fork postcss-less. Copy tokenizer from postcss
and apply your fixes.
@ai I am a bit confused here, I need to copy both parser and tokenizer from postcss right? because this postcss-less using postcss for parsing less code also. Am I missed anything?
Yeap, it will be better to copy parser too.
ok thanks.
I got a similar problem when I use prettier to format code, #issue 11782 in prettier/prettier