driller copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'suppress'
Here is the full error I am getting
WARNING | 2019-10-22 20:17:00,013 | angr.analyses.disassembly_utils | Your version of capstone does not support MIPS instruction groups.
[] Drilling...
[] Creating fuzzer...
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,888 DEBUG exporting QEMU_LD_PREFIX of '/opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/../fuzzer-libs/x86_64'
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,888 DEBUG exporting QEMU_LD_PREFIX of '/opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/../fuzzer-libs/x86_64'
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,888 DEBUG self.start_time: 1571793420
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,888 DEBUG self.start_time: 1571793420
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.afl_path: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/afl-fuzz
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.afl_path: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/afl-fuzz
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.afl_path_var: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/tracers/x86_64
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.afl_path_var: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/tracers/x86_64
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.qemu_dir: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/tracers/x86_64
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.qemu_dir: /opt/fuzzer/fuzzer/shellphish_afl/../bin/afl-unix/tracers/x86_64
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.binary_id: bof
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.binary_id: bof
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.work_dir: /dev/shm/work/
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,889 DEBUG self.work_dir: /dev/shm/work/
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,890 DEBUG self.resuming: True
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,890 DEBUG self.resuming: True
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,890 INFO [bof] resuming old fuzzing run
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,890 INFO [bof] resuming old fuzzing run
[DEBUG] Diction Set To : /dev/shm/work/bof/dictionary/bof.dict
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,891 WARNING not forced
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,891 WARNING not forced
[] Starting fuzzer...
[DEBUG] ARGS: ['/usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz', '-i', '-', '-o', '/dev/shm/work/bof/sync', '-m', '8G', '-Q', '-M', 'fuzzer-master', '--', '/home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof', '>', '/dev/shm/work/bof/fuzzer-master.log']
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,891 DEBUG execing: /usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz -i - -o /dev/shm/work/bof/sync -m 8G -Q -M fuzzer-master -- /home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof > /dev/shm/work/bof/fuzzer-master.log > /dev/shm/work/bof/fuzzer-master.log
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,891 DEBUG execing: /usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz -i - -o /dev/shm/work/bof/sync -m 8G -Q -M fuzzer-master -- /home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof > /dev/shm/work/bof/fuzzer-master.log > /dev/shm/work/bof/fuzzer-master.log
[DEBUG] ARGS: ['/usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz', '-i', '-', '-o', '/dev/shm/work/bof/sync', '-m', '8G', '-Q', '-S', 'fuzzer-1', '--', '/home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof', '>', 'fuzzer-1.log']
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,900 DEBUG execing: /usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz -i - -o /dev/shm/work/bof/sync -m 8G -Q -S fuzzer-1 -- /home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof > fuzzer-1.log > fuzzer-1.log
F1 2019-10-22 20:17:09,900 DEBUG execing: /usr/local/bin/afl-fuzz -i - -o /dev/shm/work/bof/sync -m 8G -Q -S fuzzer-1 -- /home/kittytechno/ExploitDev/radare2_learning/bof/bof > fuzzer-1.log > fuzzer-1.log
[] Waiting for fuzzer completion (timeout: None, first_crash: False).
WARNING | 2019-10-22 20:18:46,483 | angr.analyses.disassembly_utils | Your version of capstone does not support MIPS instruction groups.
WARNING | 2019-10-22 20:18:49,463 | cle.loader | The main binary is a position-independent executable. It is being loaded with a base address of 0x400000.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/fuzzer/fuzzer_venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/driller/local_callback.py", line 122, in