ground-zero icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ground-zero copied to clipboard

Starting point for front-end projects

Ground Zero Version 4

Bart Simpson

Starting point for Front-End Projects using Gulp 4.0alpha 2


  • NodeJS (Recommended 4.5.0)
  • npm (Recommended 3.10.6)


npm start


  • This will run everything on development mode (source maps, expanded, etc) To run live on production try:
gulp --prod
  • Finally you can also auto-deploy to Github Pages with the command
gulp deploy

Note: For that to work your github branch must be named origin


  • Modular: Each gulp task is on its own file so can assemble or play with them at your will. I'm also using CoffeeScript but mainly for looks.

  • SVG Power!: Work with SVG like a bawse! Just drop'em either on the src/svg/inline or src/svg/external to generate svg icons like font icons but much better ♥️

  • Base64 Fonts: Have you ever had the asshole designer that only gives you .ttf fonts for you to deal with? Maybe you are trying some fonts before going for a full web license. Just drop'em on the src/fonts directory and we'll have you covered.

  • Modular-Scale - Sass Plugin based on Type-Scale using math ratios to have beauty integrated on our project.

How to contribute

If you wish to contribute to ground-zero, just fork it and submit a PR.


We use ESLint version 3.x as our default linter, make sure you've got a proper linter plugin or add-on for your editor. Check the rules set picked in our .eslintrc file.