Pham Sy Minh

Results 163 comments of Pham Sy Minh

@0xhunster I think when a hacker scans a target, they must expect to find all the possible paths, missing any path can lead to missing a vulnerability. **dirsearch** allows you...

Can you run `./ --version` and give me the result?

Can I know the command you ran? I can't reproduce your issue with the same host

Sorry, I have deleted it now, tho I'm still unable to reproduce the issue, do you know any host you can disclose that has the same behavior?

On my machine it's different ``` $ python3 -u -i 200 -e php,html,js _|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.2.4 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| ) Extensions: php,...

@cyberindia1 Can you try again now? Have you fixed it?

I will try to figure out how to improve dirsearch performance, but this seems to be a long-term issue, might take a lot of time and can not be fully...

Should we fully stop using threads and turn into async, or support both?