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Try Python on App Engine

Open lipis opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

First of couple of huge projects build on App Engine are KhanAcademy and Snapchat.. :)

You can finish the Hello, world! apps within an hour: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/

But from there you can try the https://gae-init.appspot.com which is essentially a well structured, tested, optimized and an opiniated framework to create apps using Flask on App Engine (with bunch other useful but not useless tools).

With some extra magic you can literally create apps like these ones over a single weekend:

  • http://githubstats.lip.is (http://githubstats.lip.is/shekhargulati)
  • https://lim-life-line.appspot.com
  • http://flag-icon-css.lip.is
  • http://flag-icon-css.lip.is/game/capital/
  • https://hurry-app.appspot.com

Cheers :)

lipis avatar Apr 25 '16 18:04 lipis

@lipis sure I will consider this. I first learnt about GAE in 2008 and at that time I wrote few posts on it. I have not played much with GAE in last few years so surely I can again give it a try. Thanks. I will ask you for any help if you don't mind.

shekhargulati avatar Apr 25 '16 20:04 shekhargulati

Sure.. you are more than welcome to ask stuff and you can join our Slack channel. Since you have only a week for one technology I can "mentor" you :)

lipis avatar Apr 25 '16 20:04 lipis