So you're saying that - since OpenWrt has iptables and hostapd - I should be giving it a try?!
> > > What would be the purpose of linux-router on a... router? ... easily added additional SSID's...
> > > I think I didn't make clear enough on yesterday's reply. > > ... > If one router > > * is a "software router" > > *...
> > > What would be the purpose of linux-router on a... router? > > > > ... easily added additional SSID's... > > this is a standard (and easily...
Thanks for explaining! The reason I filed this issue is that I was looking for some indication **on which frequency band** (e.g. 433 or 868 MhZ) the signal was received!...
> Would you mind specifying which rtl-sdr you use? osmocom, keenerd, merbanan, ...? Not sure what I should be looking for but these are my rtl_433 startup parameters and the...
Hello @J-N-K > Please provide a log at TRACE level (request before that message and result). Otherwise we can't see what went wrong. I have this on openHAB 3.2.0 M1...
In my case (log given above) the user used to access the Fritzbox 7490 has all the rights (except for VPN), i.e. settings, messages, call list, smarthome, NAS, .... So...
That sounds like it would make sense to either : increase the hardcoded timeout value, or improve the logging, or make the timeout value configurable?
> Or ... drop script for a custom button and compile a gargoyle for all devices on that platform. I'm not sure what both of you are referring to regarding...