My use case for something like `paginationChange` is for Double pagination, where if the user has clicked on paginationBottom I'd like to override the browser scroll position after the list...
I think it is probably a bug in `setSearchString()` where it is escaping regular expression characters (like #, -, etc) but the new faster multiword search code in v2.3.0 doesn't...
I suggest renaming this issue to something specific, like "Search on regexp characters broken by v2.3.0"
`ListState()` should be called when the page has loaded, and **after** the list has been created. e.g. ``` var myList = new List('myElement', options, values); ListState(myList); ```
If you don't want to use the browser back button to return to the base url you could have a button/link that resets the list to show all elements. e.g....
My code doesn't support user-supplied `filter()` functions, only the standard search & sort. (but yes, for search and sort, the URL changes each time)
This is a duplicate of #699, and that issue details the bug and a workaround.
@Pillar1989 no PR, but you've got my code so you're welcome to merge it if you want.
@Pillar1989 no PR, but you've got my code so you're welcome to merge it if you want.
Here are new versions of the `set_()` and `get_()` functions. Suggested improvements: 1. Simplified code if no argument (-1) 2. Reads back the newly set register value using `get_()` functions...