prettier-standard copied to clipboard
ternary expression formatting raises an error in standard
160 const paginator =
161 pageCount > 1 ? (
162 <div className='pagination'>
163 <button onClick={() => gotoPage(0)} disabled={!canPreviousPage}>
164 {'<<'}
165 </button>{' '}
166 <button onClick={() => previousPage()} disabled={!canPreviousPage}>
167 {'<'}
168 </button>{' '}
169 <button onClick={() => nextPage()} disabled={!canNextPage}>
170 {'>'}
171 </button>{' '}
172 <button onClick={() => gotoPage(pageCount - 1)} disabled={!canNextPage}>
173 {'>>'}
174 </button>{' '}
175 <span>
176 Page{' '}
177 <strong>
178 {pageIndex + 1} of {pageOptions.length}
179 </strong>{' '}
180 </span>
181 <span>
182 | Go to page:{' '}
183 <input
184 type='number'
185 defaultValue={pageIndex + 1}
186 onChange={e => {
187 const page = ? Number( - 1 : 0
188 gotoPage(page)
189 }}
190 style={{ width: '100px' }}
191 />
192 </span>{' '}
193 <select
194 value={pageSize}
195 onChange={e => {
196 setPageSize(Number(
197 }}
198 >
199 {[10, 20, 30].map(pageSize => (
200 <option key={pageSize} value={pageSize}>
201 Show {pageSize}
202 </option>
203 ))}
204 </select>
205 </div>
206 ) : null
InstanceScreen.js:161:5: Expected newline between test and consequent of ternary expression.
InstanceScreen.js:161:21: Expected newline between consequent and alternate of ternary expression.
Hi! Having the same issue. This is somewhat related to, as it relates to ternary formatting, but does not imply that the ternary is nested into another.
In other terms: in JSX expressions, formatting multiline ternaries will fire the errors mentioned. For example, such a multiline ternary expression will be formatted as :
{condition ? (
This is a multiline div that will cause the formatter to wrongly
format the ternary expression
) : (
"this one line string could be on the same line than ':', without parentheses"
Whereas it should be formatted like this to be valid according to standard:
? (
This is a multiline string that will cause the formatter to wrongly
format the ternary expression
: (
"this one line string could also be on the same line than ':', without parentheses"
Note: I am also using the prettier-standard extension for vscode, which may be interfering with this.
Anyhow, thanks for this great package!
I am having the same issue as well and I can't use the package because of this, as it is interfering with the standard linter.