MMM-Carousel copied to clipboard
[FEATURE REQUEST] Broadcast a notification when the slide has changed
I am using Carousel with MMM-Wallpaper and would like to change the background image when the slide transitions. I have tried with no luck to put in a this.sendNotification("LOAD_NEXT_WALLPAPER")
command in various locations into the MMM-Carousel.js file but the code just freezes when it reaches this line.
I have used a similar module MMM-Scenes in the past which broadcasts a notification each time the 'scene' changes and I have been able to successfully update the Wallpaper code to look for this notification, however I find the Carousel module to work better for me.
Try adding it right before the final brace here:
I'll test when I get a chance
That's where I had put it but no dice...
Any earlier in the moduleTransition function and the slide doesn't load properly. Put it at the end and the slide never transitions.
if (this.currentIndex !== 0) {
// Log.log("Trying to enable button sliderPrevBtn_" + (this.currentIndex-1));
.getElementById("sliderPrevBtn_" + (this.currentIndex - 1))
I figured it out.
When you put this.sendNotification() you get an error "Uncaught TypeError: this.sendNotification is not a function at Array.moduleTransition". To get around it first change the start function to look like this:
start: function () {
Then you can call the sendNotification() method in the moduleTransition function by self.sendNotification(...)
I figured it out.
Nice. Please create a PR.