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Reinforcement Learning based Ultimate Tic Tac Toe player
The Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Player Bot - with Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning based Ultimate Tic Tac Toe player
For more details on the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe and why I started this project, refer to my blog article
This project is meant for others to test their learning algorithms on an existing infrastructure for the Ultimate Tic Tac Toe game. This project has two implemented reinforcement learning algorithms, a reinforcement learning bot (which can use any provided learning algorithm of your choice), and a random bot (that pick moves at random) and they are good for testing against one another for benchmarking performance.
Credit to this blog post for helping me understand the rules of the game with a lot of whiteboard drawings.
To instantiate and play a game of ultimate tic tac toe:
from ultimateboard import UTTTBoard
from board import GridStates
b = UTTTBoard()
b.makeMove(GridStates.PLAYER_X, (1,1), (1,1))
b.makeMove(GridStates.PLAYER_O, b.getNextBoardLocation(), (1, 2))
b.makeMove(GridStates.PLAYER_X, b.getNextBoardLocation(), (1, 1))
The co-ordinate system is shown below, and is the same for the master board, as well as any tile within it:
E.g. co-ordinates of (1,1), (1,1)
as in the first move above represents the center square of the center tile.
To view the state of the board at any given time (you'll get a console output):
There are two implemented bots for playing the game
who makes moves at random -
who makes moves based on a user-supplied learning algorithm
To play the game with one or a combination of these bots, use the SingleGame
class. E.g. with two random players
from game import SingleGame
from ultimateplayer import RandomUTTTPlayer
from ultimateboard import UTTTBoard, UTTTBoardDecision
player1, player2 = RandomUTTTPlayer(), RandomUTTTPlayer()
game = SingleGame(player1, player2, UTTTBoard, UTTTBoardDecision)
result = game.playAGame()
When using the RL player, it will need to be initialized with a learning algorithm of your choice. I've already provided two sample learning algorithms: TableLearning
and NNUltimateLearning
from game import SingleGame
from learning import TableLearning
from ultimateplayer import RandomUTTTPlayer, RLUTTTPlayer
from ultimateboard import UTTTBoard, UTTTBoardDecision
player1, player2 = RLUTTTPlayer(TableLearning(UTTTBoardDecision)), RandomUTTTPlayer()
game = SingleGame(player1, player2, UTTTBoard, UTTTBoardDecision)
result = game.playAGame()
Learning Algorithm
The reinforcement learning (RL) player uses a learning algorithm to improve its chances of winning as it plays a number of games and learns about different positions. The learning algorithm is the key piece to the puzzle for making the RL bot improve its chances of winning over time. There is a generic template provided for the learning algorithm:
class GenericLearning(object):
def getBoardStateValue(self, player, board, boardState):
# Return the perceived `value` of a given board state
raise NotImplementedError
def learnFromMove(self, player, board, prevBoardState):
# Learn from the previous board state and the current state of the board
raise NotImplementedError
def resetForNewGame(self):
# Optional to implement. Reinitialize some form of state for each new game played
def gameOver(self):
# Option to implement. When a game is completed, run some sort of learning e.g. train a neural network
Any learning model must inherit from this class and implement the above methods. For examples see TableLearning
for a lookup table based solution, and NNUltimateLearning
for a neural network based solution.
Every board state is an 81-character string which represents a raster scan of the entire 9x9 board (row-wise). You can map this to numeric entries as necessary.
Using your own learning algorithm
Simply implement your learning model e.g. MyLearningModel
by inheriting from GenericLearning
. Then instantiate the provided reinforcement learning bot with an instance of this model:
from ultimateboard import UTTTBoardDecision
from learning import GenericLearning
import random
from ultimateplayer import RLUTTTPlayer
class MyLearningModel(GenericLearning):
def getBoardStateValue(self, player, board, boardState):
# Your implementation here
value = random.uniform() # As an example (and a very poor one)
return value # Must be a numeric value
def learnFromMove(self, player, board, prevBoardState):
# Your implementation here - learn some value for the previousBoardState
learningModel = MyLearningModel(UTTTBoardDecision)
learningPlayer = RLUTTTPlayer(learningModel)
Sequence of games
More often than not you will want to just play a sequence of games and observe the learning over time. Code samples for that have been provided and uses the GameSequence
from ultimateplayer import RLUTTTPlayer, RandomUTTTPlayer
from game import GameSequence
from ultimateboard import UTTTBoard, UTTTBoardDecision
learningPlayer = RLUTTTPlayer()
randomPlayer = RandomUTTTPlayer()
results = []
numberOfSetsOfGames = 40
for i in range(numberOfSetsOfGames):
games = GameSequence(100, learningPlayer, randomPlayer, BoardClass=UTTTBoard, BoardDecisionClass=UTTTBoardDecision)
You will need to have numpy installed to work with this code. If using the neural network based learner in the examples provided, you will also need to have keras installed. This will require one of Tensorflow, Theano or CNTK.