flutter_barcode_listener copied to clipboard
android scanning code128 barcode decodes to something different
Hi guys, I'm liking the package so far but I'm struggling with something. While using a CS6080 scanner as an HID keyboard via BT, I'm scanning a CODE128 barcode:
The barcode should decode to: 3BE9604F-9E76-42F8-A584-288AD1B7D087
When I scan this barcode on a notes app on both android and iOS it scans the whole barcode correct, so the scanner is working as expected. But on my flutter android app it decodes to: #Be960$f-(e76-4@f8_a584-28*Ad!b&d087 I've tried debugging the package a little and it looks like it might be because of a shift key or something like that. On iOS however it seems to be working perfectly.
Can you guys possibly help me out? Feel free to reach out so I can help further.
I am having the same issue, did you find a solution ?
No, the problem seemed to be in the way keys are pressed on the different OS. From what I can remember shift keys were the problem. I didn't have the time to figure out a solution for this issue, I guess the best thing you can do is make sure barcodes are simple...
No, the problem seemed to be in the way keys are pressed on the different OS. From what I can remember shift keys were the problem. I didn't have the time to figure out a solution for this issue, I guess the best thing you can do is make sure barcodes are simple...
With shift keys you mean to avoid sending any symbols like -{,:"}@ ?
No, my scanner was acting like a keyboard. A capital letter a would be Shift + a . That would give me issue, you can always log or debug the package to learn what exactly happens to the barcode that you scan.
I have same issue. Outside the app, the barcode is recognized correctly. Just using this package I get incorrect decodings.
For example, barcode 4000_TRA_TRAILER01
decodes as 400)_TRA_TRAILEr01
. Any ideas?
Okay, It looks like shift issue... But is there a way to solve this without changing barcode data?
I have had the same problem. Enable flag useKeyDownEvent
did work for me.
useKeyDownEvent: true,
bufferDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 2500),
onBarcodeScanned: (barcode) async {},