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Dark Sky API client


GoDoc Go Report Card CircleCI

Dark Sky API client in Go https://darksky.net/dev/docs

A note on Apple Weather

DarkSky's technology has been integrated into Apple Weather. I've started a separate project go-weatherkit for Go client development against Apple's new WeatherKit REST API.


This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see this page first.

go get github.com/shawntoffel/darksky


Import the package into your project.

import "github.com/shawntoffel/darksky"

Construct a new DarkSky client

client := darksky.New("api key")

Build a request

request := darksky.ForecastRequest{
    Latitude:  40.7128,
    Longitude: -74.0059,
    Options: darksky.ForecastRequestOptions{
        Exclude: "hourly,minutely",

Get the forecast

forecast, err := client.Forecast(request)


A different API URL may be targeted using the BaseUrl package scoped variable

darksky.BaseUrl = "https://api.darksky.net/forecast"