Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
What about first-of-type?
Because the only h# we want to have no top margin on is the first one in the box, right? So we need to find a way to target only...
Aren't we using modernizr? @pjackson28?
I think we should keep it simple and use `.list-unstyled`. Giving people the option to use bullets or no bullets and not have to explain what `.nav` actually does.
I'm ok to close this, I've changed my way of thinking to use more classes for margin than to modify existing module classes.
The CDTS uses the same as your first example. @duboisp wouldn't it be nice is there was a grunt task that just spits out those files? @nschonni I think we...
@duboisp that doesn't solve what I'm looking for... I want a grunt task that doesn't do the example html files or any of the other folders not needed to run...
I like the idea that the left menu only be one level deep. I think there should be a contextual heading that could link to the parent section of the...
@bsouster We are presently working one just like that for and the Employment Insurance content. It's based on [Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)](
@bsouster did you look at what I sent you?