biodiverse icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
biodiverse copied to clipboard

Release 4 checklist

Open shawnlaffan opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

  • [ ] Bump versions across all files
  • [ ] Blog post -
  • [ ] Update versions.txt file
  • [ ] Update news on site (need to link to blog post)
  • [ ] Post exe versions to downloads site
  • [ ] Update link in Downloads wiki page
  • [ ] Update SpatialConditions wiki
  • [ ] Update Indices wiki
  • [ ] Update ReleaseNotes wiki
  • [ ] Deprecate Task:: files on CPAN (they have been superseded by the cpanfile)
  • [ ] Tag release

shawnlaffan avatar Sep 25 '21 01:09 shawnlaffan