Shawn Esquivel
Shawn Esquivel
Bump, I always get errors for this.
I also reproduced the error that @dodo0822 mentioned. After initializing the repository and clicking History, I get a blank panel (see below), instead of the last repository's history like @guyer...
I had a similar error, however my issue was that I created the .env file outside of the directory with deploy.js, so it couldn't read it. It worked once I...
I was able to reproduce the bug when using my password. According to the link mentioned in the error message, only the personal access token [2] should be used. The...
@joelostblom Are you still having this issue? I tried reproducing the bug today by cloning a repository using https, making a commit, and pushing with @jupyterlab/git v0.41.0. It successfully pushes...
I got the exact same error, and adding the property to etherscan as per your suggestion made my code work! Thank you 😁 ``` etherscan: { apiKey: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, customChains: [],...
thanks @miguelmoya97 hahaha
@kamalkech even better, thanks!! I have another follow up question if you don't mind. In my server component, I call the agent like this. server component ``` const ServerComp =...
that worked, thanks!! @kamalkech
My console after deploying the contract shows that the transaction went through ```deploying, please wait! Contract Address: 0x55e505d8e6489B5189C00f420A87df82Dfff240A Current favorite number: 0 { to: '0x55e505d8e6489B5189C00f420A87df82Dfff240A', from: '0x0659D4134ed0E0A8A4BB5637Bb9e42Ca0C212843', contractAddress: null, transactionIndex:...