Shawn Borton
Shawn Borton
Sounds good, see ya over there!
Hmm well this is because the button floats on top of the content behind it. I'm not sure if we actually need to consider this a spacing bug. cc @Expensify/design...
Hmm, I'm not sure if I agree with that. On a super short screen, how exactly would the square (with the avatar crop) scale down to be fluid? I think...
Ah I see what you are saying. Either way though, I still feel like we can just close this one out and do nothing because the Save button sits on...
> Because i noticed that we didn't have leave button for threeDotMenu when it's groupChat @JmillsExpensify should we just be getting rid of this menu here, and make it so...
I think we're planning to make that change with Jason's Details revamp project though, right @JmillsExpensify ? Not sure if we should just wait or do it here.
Just a heads up that we're going to have a few design changes to this before it gets merged - nothing major, just updating the badge style to repurpose our...
I say take it to Slack - and thanks so much for volunteering! We probably just need to decide between like 2-3 options at this point yeah?
Looks good to me! We _could_ try it with larger icons above the receipt so that the dot indicator matches the red dot on the push rows below... but I...
Hah, thanks for exploring that! Yeah, I say we stick with the current plan then!