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nyoom.emacs copied to clipboard

Configurable, Minimal, Fast emacs config based on Nano-emacs and Doom

#+title: Doom Emacs Configuration #+author: Shaunsingh

#+html: #+html:

#+attr_org: :width 50% [[file:./misc/showcase/gura.png]] [[file:./misc/showcase/org.png]] [[file:./misc/showcase/vertico.png]]

=config.org= /generates/ the init.el, config.el, and packages.el files, as well as about a dozen others.

Other than that, resources are put in [[file:misc/][misc]], and you may find some packages I'm working on in [[file:lisp/][lisp]].

  • Installation ** Nix First install nix, and enable both the =nix command= and =flakes= experimental features #+begin_src shell git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/shaunsingh/Nyoom.emacs.git && cd Nyoom.emacs nix develop #+end_src

** Regular installation: First install the following dependencies:

  • Emacs (preferably one with =native-comp=, note that doom-emacs does not support emacs29 (HEAD), but I personally use it with no issues.
  • sqlite
  • fd
  • ripgrep

You can optionally install the following:

  • aspell + dictionaries (for spelling support)
  • sdcv (for stardict)
  • gnuplot (for org-plot)
  • pandoc (for ox-pandoc imports/exports)
  • languagetool (for grammer checking)
  • tectonic (for latex exports and editing)

As for the plugins themselves #+begin_src shell git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/shaunsingh/Nyoom.emacs.git ~/.config/doom git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.config/emacs ~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install #+end_src

  • RoadMap ** TODO Add faces for doom modules *** TODO VC-gutter *** TODO Flycheck *** STRT Tree-sitter ** DONE Improve Exports *** DONE Refactor
    *** DONE Use Fira font family *** DONE Use tectonic *** DONE Simplify HTML CSS ** DONE Cleanup Config *** DONE Refactor org-mode config *** DONE Lazy load and Speedup *** DONE Restructure config