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Recent updates to treesitter cause everything to be 'glacier'
I don't know if this is something you can fix, but as soon as my linter turns on, all that was previously white is now converted to the glacier blue. The contrast makes it hard to read my code. I love your theme, could you please help?
Here's my neovim config if that helps:
Thanks for any help you can possibly give in advance.
Thanks, I'll fix it
This is caused by LSP semantic highlight groups (not set by nord.nvim
) override the defined treesitter groups (as they have higher priority).
Related to
The same here !
Hi all. Just fyi, I was able to find a temporary solution to this problem. Apparently Neovim's latest update to 0.9.0 includes using LSP semantic tokens (I only know about them because I posted a quickly closed issue on the official Neovim official github issues board). They didn't solve the problem for me but simply told me to type :h lsp-semantic_tokens.
I also browsed around on reddit and found this lua snippet that turns LSP semantic tokens off and returned my colors to their original state. Hopefully this helps until this theme includes them? It is also possible this is an issue with treesitter, but I uninstalled treesitter while troubleshooting and the problem persisted.
` -- turns off LSP semantic tokens by default vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { callback = function(args) local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id( client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil end, }) ``
Same problem here
Code snippet from @tomit4 fixed this.
I have a similar issue and I have not been able to fix this with the snippet above, it is specific to this theme as I checked.
I'll try to add semantic token support to fix the issue, thanks for letting me know and sorry for the delay