nord.nvim copied to clipboard
Lsp saga popup menu has a different background color
When I open lspsaga popup window: Lspsaga peek_definition
it opens with different background color (screenshot below)
Normal background color:
The background color of the popup window
How it should be (happens when that file buffer is already loaded):
My nvim config:
colorscheme.lua file
local status, _ = pcall(vim.cmd, "colorscheme nord")
if not status then
print("Colorscheme not found!")
vim.g.nord_italic = false
vim.g.nord_contrast = false
vim.g.nord_borders = true
vim.g.nord_bold = false
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.opt.background = "dark"
Am I doing something wrong?
It seems to me like nord_contrast
is not working as expected.
Also when I go into that file after I open it inside the popup like shown above, I don't see line numbers anymore or color column and sign column
I am using nvim version 0.8
i have strange effect with saga too. The setting look complete, then i have go away, i'll take a look.
actually the Nord palette recommand a lood dark as background, so i'll force the bg to nord0 (if not transparency)
I have succeffully reproduce the trouble and that normly fixe by never let LSPSaga think about it own background color.
Thanks, @Hierosme! I will try it 🚀