sql-where-parser copied to clipboard
Parses an SQL-like WHERE string into various forms.
What is it?
SqlWhereParser parses the WHERE portion of an SQL-like string into an abstract syntax tree.
const sql = 'name = "Shaun Persad" AND age >= 27';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
const parsed = parser.parse(sql);
* The tree is object-based, where each key is the operator, and its value is an array of the operands.
* The number of operands depends on if the operation is defined as unary, binary, or ternary in the config.
equals(parsed, {
'AND': [
'=': ['name', 'Shaun Persad']
'>=': ['age', 27]
You can also evaluate the query in-line as the expressions are being built.
const sql = 'name = "Shaun Persad" AND age >= (20 + 7)';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
* This evaluator function will evaluate the "+" operator with its operands by adding its operands together.
const parsed = parser.parse(sql, (operatorValue, operands) => {
if (operatorValue === '+') {
return operands[0] + operands[1];
return parser.defaultEvaluator(operatorValue, operands);
equals(parsed, {
'AND': [
'=': ['name', 'Shaun Persad']
'>=': ['age', 27]
This evaluation can also be used to convert the AST into a specific tree, like a MongoDB query.
const sql = 'name = "Shaun Persad" AND age >= 27';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
* This will map each operand to its mongoDB equivalent.
const parsed = parser.parse(sql, (operatorValue, operands) => {
switch (operatorValue) {
case '=':
return {
[operands[0]]: operands[1]
case 'AND':
return {
$and: operands
case '>=':
return {
[operands[0]]: {
$gte: operands[1]
equals(parsed, {
$and: [
name: 'Shaun Persad'
age: {
$gte: 27
SqlWhereParser can also parse into an array-like structure, where each sub-array is its own group of parentheses in the SQL.
const sql = '(name = "Shaun Persad") AND (age >= (20 + 7))';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
const sqlArray = parser.toArray(sql);
equals(sqlArray, [['name', '=', 'Shaun Persad'], 'AND', ['age', '>=', [20, '+', 7]]]);
This array structure is useful for displaying the query on the front-end, e.g. as HTML.
const sql = '(name = "Shaun Persad") AND age >= (20 + 7)';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
const sqlArray = parser.toArray(sql);
* This function will recursively map the elements of the array to HTML.
const toHtml = (toConvert) => {
if (toConvert && toConvert.constructor === SqlWhereParser.Operator) {
return `<strong class="operator">${toConvert}</strong>`;
if (!toConvert || !(toConvert.constructor === Array)) {
return `<span class="operand">${toConvert}</span>`;
const html = toConvert.map((toConvert) => {
return toHtml(toConvert);
return `<div class="expression">${html.join('')}</div>`;
const html = toHtml(sqlArray);
'<div class="expression">' +
'<div class="expression">' +
'<span class="operand">name</span>' +
'<strong class="operator">=</strong>' +
'<span class="operand">Shaun Persad</span>' +
'</div>' +
'<strong class="operator">AND</strong>' +
'<span class="operand">age</span>' +
'<strong class="operator">>=</strong>' +
'<div class="expression">' +
'<span class="operand">20</span>' +
'<strong class="operator">+</strong>' +
'<span class="operand">7</span>' +
'</div>' +
npm install sql-where-parser
// or if in the browser: <script src="sql-where-parser/sql-where-parser.min.js"></script>
it, and create a new instance.
//const SqlWhereParser = require('sql-where-parser');
const sql = 'name = "Shaun Persad" AND age >= 27';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser();
const parsed = parser.parse(sql); // Abstract syntax tree
const sqlArray = parser.toArray(sql); // Array
Advanced Usage
Supplying a config object
see here for all options
Modifying the config can be used to add new operators:
const config = SqlWhereParser.defaultConfig; // start off with the default config.
config.operators[5]['<=>'] = 2; // number of operands to expect for this operator.
config.operators[5]['<>'] = 2; // number of operands to expect for this operator.
config.tokenizer.shouldTokenize.push('<=>', '<>');
const sql = 'name <> "Shaun Persad" AND age <=> 27';
const parser = new SqlWhereParser(config); // use the new config
const parsed = parser.parse(sql);
equals(parsed, {
'AND': [
'<>': ['name', 'Shaun Persad']
'<=>': ['age', 27]
For the full API documentation and more examples, see here.