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clojurescript tetris - stripped down T3TR0S


This is a bare version of single player T3TR0S, because we miss the accessibility and simplicity of its code before features become a priority. Oh, and it's in ClojureScript.



  1. Install Leiningen
  2. Run lein figwheel dev.
  3. Open http://localhost:3449.

Play with the REPL

Use Figwheel's REPL for interacting with the running game with:

Press "P" in-game to pause the gravity. This allows us to play with the game state without gravity progressing the game.

Go into the game's core namespace:

> (in-ns 'game.core)

You can set the current piece to use any of the following keys :I :T :O :Z :S :J :L. The letters represent the shapes of the canonical pieces.

> (swap! state assoc :piece (:I game.board/pieces))

Go back to your game to see how the piece changed to the line-piece. You can modify any part of the game this way.