Split-and-Rephrase copied to clipboard
benchmark/Split-train-dev-test.DONT-CHANGE.json not available
Hi, I am trying to replicate the results from https://github.com/roeeaharoni/sprp-acl2018, but I didn't see directory "benchmark" and the README said it was removed. Could you provide help so I could use your dataset to run the models from acl2018 paper?
it is not removed. It is available as a tar file.
Sorry, I misunderstood. You meant in Version V-0.1. We removed the split file because there was a bug in our split. We recommend you to use Roee's split for this. You can still our dataset which is available as a tar file.
Thanks. You could mark this issue as resolved.
Can anyone please help me to solve this error?
@shashiongithub you recommend to use Roee's split file but I am unable to find it. Can you help me to get this file?
Thanks, Bhavika
It is available here: https://github.com/roeeaharoni/sprp-acl2018 Specifically, the files under "benchmark" are available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KagOaUv1hlAK8ONYiyH6rXJHjGANk8Qj Please read the readme file there for more details and let me know if you have further issues.
In general, if you seek the best performance on the task I recommend the newer WikiSplit dataset from Google: https://github.com/google-research-datasets/wiki-split