Sentence-Simplification-ACL14 copied to clipboard
State-of-the-art Supervised Sentence Simplification System from ACL 2014
Hybrid Simplification using Deep Semantics and Machine Translation
Sentence simplification maps a sentence to a simpler, more readable one approximating its content. In practice, simplification is often modeled using four main operations: splitting a complex sentence into several simpler sentences; dropping and reordering phrases or constituents; substituting words/phrases with simpler ones.
This is implementation from our ACL'14 paper. We have modified our code to let you choose what simplification operations you want to apply to your complex sentences. Please go through our paper for more details. Please contact Shashi Narayan (shashi.narayan(at){,}) for any query.
If you use our code, please cite the following paper.
Hybrid Simplification using Deep Semantics and Machine Translation, Shashi Narayan and Claire Gardent, The 52nd Annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Baltimore, June.
We present a hybrid approach to sentence simplification which combines deep semantics and monolingual machine translation to derive simple sentences from complex ones. The approach differs from previous work in two main ways. First, it is semantic based in that it takes as input a deep semantic representation rather than e.g., a sentence or a parse tree. Second, it combines a simplification model for splitting and deletion with a monolingual translation model for phrase substitution and reordering. When compared against current state of the art methods, our model yields significantly simpler output that is both grammatical and meaning preserving.
- Boxer 1.00:,
- Moses:
- Mgiza++:
- NLTK toolkit:
- Python 2.7
- Stanford Toolkit:
Data preparation
Training Data
code: ./preprocessing/
This code prepares the training data. It takes as input tokenized training (complex, simple) sentences and the boxer output (xml format) of the complex sentences.
I will improve the interface of this script later. But for now you have to set following parameters: (C: complex sentence and S: simple sentence)
ZHUDATA_FILE_ORG = Address to the file with combined complex-simple pairs. Format: C_1\nS^1_1\nS^2_1\n\nC_2\nS^1_2\nS^2_2\nS^3_2\n\n and so on.
ZHUDATA_FILE_MAIN = Address to the file with all tokenized complex sentences. Format: C_1\nC_2\n and so on.
ZHUDATA_FILE_SIMPLE = Address to the file with all tokenized simple sentences. Format: S^1_1\nS^2_1\nS^1_2\nS^2_2\nS^3_2\n and so on.
BOXER_DATADIR: Directory address which contains the boxer output of ZHUDATA_FILE_MAIN.
CHUNK_SIZE = Size of the boxer output chunks. The above scripts loads boxer xml file before parsing them, it is much faster to use chunks (let say of 10000) of ZHUDATA_FILE_MAIN.
boxer_main_filename = Boxer output file name pattern. For example: filename."+str(lower_index)+"-"+str(lower_index+CHUNK_SIZE)
Test Data
code: ./preprocessing/
This code prepares the test data. It takes as input tokenized test (complex) sentences and their boxer outputs in xml format.
I will improve the interface of this script later. But for now you have to set following parameters:
TEST_FILE_MAIN: Address to the file with all tokenized complex sentences. Format: C_1\nC_2\n and so on.
TEST_FILE_BOXER: Address to the boxer xml output file for TEST_FILE_MAIN.
- Training goes through three states: 1) Building Boxer training graphs, 2) EM training and 3) SMT training
python --help
usage: python [-h] [--start-state Start_State]
[--end-state End_State]
[--transformation TRANSFORMATION_MODEL]
[--max-split MAX_SPLIT_SIZE]
[--restricted-drop-rel RESTRICTED_DROP_REL]
[--allowed-drop-mod ALLOWED_DROP_MOD]
[--method-training-graph Method_Training_Graph]
[--method-feature-extract Method_Feature_Extract]
[--train-boxer-graph Train_Boxer_Graph]
[--lang-model Lang_Model]
[--d2s-config D2S_Config] --output-dir
Start the training process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--start-state Start_State
Start state of the training process
--end-state End_State
End state of the training process
Transformation models learned
--max-split MAX_SPLIT_SIZE
Maximum split size
--restricted-drop-rel RESTRICTED_DROP_REL
Restricted drop relations
--allowed-drop-mod ALLOWED_DROP_MOD
Allowed drop modifiers
--method-training-graph Method_Training_Graph
Operation set for training graph file
--method-feature-extract Method_Feature_Extract
Operation set for extracting features
--train-boxer-graph Train_Boxer_Graph
The training corpus file (xml, stanford-tokenized,
The number of EM Algorithm iterations
--lang-model Lang_Model
Language model information (in the moses format)
--d2s-config D2S_Config
D2S Configuration file
--output-dir Output_Directory
The output directory
Have a look in for more information on their definitions and their default values.
train-boxer-graph: this is the output file from the training data preparation·
python --help
usage: python [-h]
[--test-boxer-graph Test_Boxer_Graph]
[--nbest-distinct N_Best_Distinct]
[--explore-decoder Explore_Decoder]
--d2s-config D2S_Config
--output-dir Output_Directory
Start simplifying complex sentences.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test-boxer-graph Test_Boxer_Graph
The test corpus file (xml, stanford-tokenized, boxer-
--nbest-distinct N_Best_Distinct
N Best Distinct produced from Moses
--explore-decoder Explore_Decoder
Method for generating the decoder graph
--d2s-config D2S_Config
D2S Configuration file
--output-dir Output_Directory
The output directory
test-boxer-graph: this is the output file from the test data preparation·
d2s-config: This is the output configuration file from the training stage.
ToDo: Incorporate improvements from our arXiv paper.
* OOD words at the border should be dropped. * Don't split at "TO". * Full stop at the end of the sentence. (currently, this was done as a post-processing step in the end).
ToDo: Change to online version of sentence simplification.