apiTesting-mocha-boilerplate copied to clipboard
Boiler Plate for getting started with Api Testing (uses fake apis created using json-server)with Mocha as test runner,should.js as assertion library, supertest.js to make HTTP requests and mochawesome...
API Testing With Mocha Boiler Plate
Boiler Plate for getting started with Api Testing (uses fake apis created using json-server)with Mocha as test runner,should.js as assertion library, supertest.js to make HTTP requests and mochawesome as Reporter.
How to run the Project
OS Requirement: Linux or Mac OS
Pre-requisite: Node.js version >= 7
a. Clone or download the project directory
b. Traverse to the downloaded/cloned project directory and install dependencies and run json-server
cd apiTestingWithMochaBoilerPlate
npm install
npm run fakeApi
c. Now in separate tab of the terminal run following commands:
cd apiTestingWithMochaBoilerPlate
npm test
d. Once the tests are run, check the report inside mochawesome-report
folder in project directory
e. To generate a standalone html report to email/share the result use-
npm run report
//this will make `mochawesome.html` file as standalone report and you can share/email it.
Note: Make sure that json-server is running when you run the tests else you won't be able to access the fake apis
About the Project
a. Use of json-server is done to create fake apis. Inside folder json-sever there is a file called db.json which contains data in json format acting as an api end point.
b.Test cases are written using mocha.js, should.js, supertest.js to perform GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests on the fake apis. With every modification request, db.json gets updated.
Known Issue
a. Running the entire suite gives ECONNREFUSED error randomly. This is not an issue with the test code but the PORT getting overwhelmed with the requests.