linedit copied to clipboard
Readline-style line-editor for Common Lisp.
I am using linedit for years on different machines with different versions of SBCL without issues but on my latest installation it fails during start-up of SBCL with the following...
Hello, I am working on moving to `sbcl` as my main REPL on my UNIX systems and wanting to keep tab completion, I decided to install this package, but there...
It seems that with all of the latest advances in terminal support for Windows (e.g. ConPTY), that linedit should be able to run on that platform, and I see that...
If quiet is provided, linedit and formedit would not show banner.
As i tried, `(linedit:install-repl :wrap-current t :eof-quits t)` doesn't work on prepl, either `install-repl` first, or `(prepl:repl)` first. It would be nice to have them work together
I made some changes to solve the problem of repl freezing when typing Ctrl-right/left arrow. I'm used to these key bindings in emacs and muscle memory makes linedit unusable for...
# Behavior ``` (progn (load "/home/lerax/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20190210.1101/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init") :from-emacs t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "/tmp/slime.2766")) Linedit version 0.17.6, dumb mode, ESC-h for help. debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR...
I'm looking at using linedit for one of my projects ( I have, shall we say, unusual requirements. I do weird things with `*standard-input*`, for example. Your README says that...